Servant of All
Please help me to move over the awful situation I am in; help me to reach my goals and build better relationships. Allow my efforts to lead me to healthier places and people, where commitment and effort are acknowledged and can fruit constructively, where relationship are clear, based on honesty and respect. Help me to not give in, to endure in the faith I have in love and justice. Please give me a feedback, I need it, to know that at least I am not standing up for illusions. I'll withstand whatever trouble will be placed on my way, but I need someone I can rely on, even just one person. And I need to see that there is some respect and consideration for what are personal issues related to extreme sensitiveness. I am to sensitive to carry out ordinary job, but for more focused and appropriate positions I lack proper education and training (this due to child/teen abuse). I feel cut out and don't know really where to turn my head. Nobody seems can help. I'm asking truly for a miracle. I lost a child few years back because of this situation. I still cannot accept it. I can't accept having been so impotent, so unable to protect this baby. it was just a pregnancy ended badly.. it was not: it was my child, my baby. Nobody cared. Not even God. I am furious. I hate the man behind all my disgraces and now I don't feel ashamed to wish for his death. I feel I've earned the right to hate. I've been beaten, humiliated, deprived of my rights as a child, as woman and as a mother. Nonetheless, I still hope I wiil get my degree in literature and my diploma in pianoforte, that I will give birth to healthy children with the proper man and find the way to financial security. I want to live each day as a gift and work to promote personal growth. I see personal growth as the active solution to most conditions, yet I need help, I need first to experience the miracle on my own skin. Receive grace to promote it. My health has begun to decline lately; too much a load of pain, stress and anxiety for too long. I need a miracle for that too. Cosmic Will that wanted me to exist, God, please help, take care of my existence. I really need being helped because I am tired and angry.
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