Disciple of Prayer
I would like for others to stand in prayer with me to save my marriage. My husband has been requesting a divorce since August of last year. He’s been sleeping in the couch since. He says he’s no longer in love with me. We have been married for 11 years today together for 13. We have endured a lot throughout the course of our marriage. No infidelity or anything like that, just money issues, family issues, and issues with our children at times as we are a blended family and raised all of our 5 children together with one of them being ours together. We’ve always made it through all of the trials and tribulations but when we started to turn our back on God and stopped praying together and with our kids, stopped going to church, etc., things really began to get rocky. We started arguing every other day it seemed like and things just started falling apart with us and with our children. I have since gone back to having a relationship with God and the church since August and my life is feeling great but he says he’ll never go back to church and he just isn’t the same as he used to be with God. He still prays daily on his knees, etc., but says he doesn’t believe in church or Jesus. It hurts me because he used to be the one who would wake me up daily for prayer, gather us together at night for prayer. It’s sad. I think because we are in a lot of debt (which I’m in the process of repairing now) and he had to resign from a really good job after 16 years due to two back surgeries and resorting to way less pay. It just all has taken a toll on him. I love him dearly and he’s a really good man. He has been a very good provider and for the most part husband over the years and I can admit I haven’t been the best wife during this whole time but that was due to many previous factors needing to heal from previous relationship hurts, some hurts during our marriage and just pure selfishness but when he told me he wanted the divorce I’ve done everything in my power to try and be the best wife to him but I have feared it’s too late but I know nothing is too big for my God and I feel he keeps me holding on for a reason. I just won’t be still and let him lead which I have begun to do this past week because our lease on our home is up in exactly 7 weeks and the plan is for us to separate and move back with our individual parents! We are 45, and 44. We only have our daughter who is 11 and our youngest son who is 19 (which is my youngest biologically) at home. The others have moved out. His two don’t talk to us at all and moved to North Carolina with their mother. I can’t help but wonder if he thinks that divorcing me will bring them back to talking to him. Their mom has always done against me in our marriage to them and tried to cause constant confusion. Anyhow, I don’t want to lose my husband! When we were good together we were good and we genuinely loved one another with a Godly love and were best friends. I miss him dearly even though he’s in the same home still we barely communicate for the most part. He says he’s happy now and likes the direction his life is going in and not having to be responsible for anyone. It makes me so sad. I feel he’s being controlled by the devil. I am asking for power prayers for us. I believe we were put together by God and that what we’re facing we can overcome with counseling, dedication to one another and most importantly God. I have repented for my mistakes as a wife and I pray that he repents for his as a husband and we can come together as one again. I would love advice and immediate prayers please. I have 7 weeks to fight hard spiritually for what I feel is worth fighting for and saving. My marriage. Thank you so much in advance. My real name is ### and his is ###. Thank you.