Sis in christ
Humble Prayer Partner
I prayed and I approached my colleague about the unfair arrangement. I don't understand what is it so difficult to decide directly and he wanted some time. I don't know who else he want to discuss because apparently only 3 of us is here and all our admin is in another state. I still gonna insist that it is unfair that he gets to decide first when it comes to the same occasion we celebrate. It is unfair to not at least rotate when we have no choice because of our same race. I'm still waiting for his reply and please ,I pray to God to help me, protect me out of their constant attack, intentional division and ignorance. That anything that they are trying to do to take advantage of me I declare that it is now being destroyed in the name of jesus christ. Amen. I declare justice is at my side that he cannot do anything he want without discussing with me directly to me. God be my best shield and connection as you know I'm having isolation here that nobody sees my struggles. I pray that I can be treated in justice and respect in this circumstances. Please help me. Amen.