faith780 - Here are some sites to strongly consider when it comes to your hurting friend, Beth! They have been provided by in-the-know, alternative-methods members, "Stitcher" (Nancy) & "NEWHOPE" (Sandra). Respectfully, don't be so quick to shun these naturopathic -natural- means of combating cancer! As with any ailment - especially cancer - the sooner the better, however some or more of these treatments, with some individuals - even late in the going, oftentimes in tandem with pre-existing/dated or recommended surgery, but -not- preferred/ascribed to chemo, I take it - have taken / had good results, brewed Essiac tea, being one of these! ***
7,782 posts
Sent October 07, 2013 - 3:45 AM
I have found some websites with information on alternative cancer treatments.
Here are a couple of sites with information about Essiac tea:
1. and
2. http://www.cancertut...cer/Essiac.html
The site also has information on nutrition and many other alternative options. It was gathered by a researcher. His opinion is useful as a guide, and he has a lot of information there. There is some stuff that he is actually not allowed to list on his site, even though it is successful in treating cancer, because the FDA comes against the companies that sell a product.
This About Me page has a video of an interview with the site's Webmaster, Webster Kehr, who has gathered the information. He describes how to use his site, the different links, etc. He mentions a Dirt Cheap protocol that has 14 components.
There is also information on other possible alternative treatments, links to specific types of cancer, and special information for Stage IV, etc.
Here is the least expensive of Stage IV treatment:
http://www.cancertut.../Henderson.html --- Stitcher *** Member, "NEWHOPE" recommends: [ ] and Beetroot Therapy ** Also go to [ ]! [CONVENTIONAL Treatment / Highly recommended] Cancer Treatment Centers of America --- "Godspeed!", RegretFULLY (Mike)