Humble Prayer Partner
Please Pray this is Jesus' name. Holy Father, please please heal me. Almighty Lord, Please, please heal me, and allow me to serve You in this world. Please God, I do believe in Your miraculous healing power. Please, please, Lord, there is nothing that medical people can do for me. I have only two hopes of remaining in this world. That you will heal me, or that Your children are given the blessing of being able to manipulate time. Please my Lord God, I am begging that I am given Your miraculous healing, which would keep me in this world. Please Almighty Lord, please forgive me for my greed, stupid behaviour and impatience, and know that I am good, and true, and wish to have a closer relationship with You. Please Lord, please, I have turned away from my greedy behaviour, I have been humbled and wish to walk in this world knowing that You are with me. Please Lord, please, I beg You, forgive my previous stupid and impatient behaviour and grant this repentant sinner a chance to serve You in this world. Please Lord, if You bless me with Your miraculous healing I will Praise You constantly, and Glorify Your Name by the things I do to help people. Please Lord God, Your name will be much Glorified by me being healed in this world. Please God, I am suffering so much because of this illness, please, if You want me to leave this world and serve You in Heaven please allow me to fall deeply asleep and take me then. Please, I beg You, take me from this life during my sleep, gently, and without me having any knowledge of what was happening. Please Lord, there are many terrible sicknesses which could yet befall me. Please deliver me from more suffering by taking me gently to serve You in Heaven. Please Lord God, help me.