Prayer Warrior
I prophecy decree declare into existence right now
as FAST as possible let the arrows fly
I need my GRACE power kids family set free
a shower while I'm in Galt stuck with pain need to be free from extreme tormenting people jealousy beyond belief unreasonable men and evil people thieves Cannot see
straight near me my kids husband's that are Mexican 
innocents to be able to go home
to New Zealand for 33 dollars a flight 
miracle please
and a husband home vehicle that runs boat
prayers answered please
. I get the JOB at BLUE Shield
a place to live the room for rent opens up from the person named Bless or something furnished like that or better fast
for the JOB so I can breathe at least not in tears freezing
to death
. Casper only comes around if it's a good thing no more trash
Paula's bye Albert let's just leave it at that the name alone and your bald says it all plus wait for it your Portuguese not Mexican hellllllllllooooo Mc fly you are using way evil kick rocks not my husband ever keep your weird ring wife weird evil portal house not to mention your fences connect shockerrrrrrrr with weird Richard BOYD. Anthony Ferguson Portuguese hellllllllllooooo Mc fly not Mexican TEETH
bye give back my prayers your not my husband mistake in Heaven. Luis Torres you are not Mexican your not a Scorpio nor is Albert Salcedo not my husband's at all definitely confused have no prayers of mine. I release the
sword of the LORD
against the POWER s of HELL in the name
of Jesus Judge 7:18 I will whet my glittering sword and render your vengeance against the enemy Deut 32:41 I release the arrow
of the Lord's deliverance in my life
my kids 2 Kings 13:17 I release YOUR SHARP
arrows into the heart
of the Kings enemies Psalm 45:5 Send out your arrows and scatter the enemy Psalm 18:14 Make my enemies turn their back with your arrows upon your strings Psalm 21:12 Shoot out YOUR arrows and destroy them Psalm Psalm 144:6 Send your arrows abroad Psalm 77:17 Send out arrows of LIGHT into the kingdom of darkness Hab 3:11 Heap and mischief upon them and spend YOUR arrows upon them Deut 32:23 Shoot YOUR arrows of light upon them and let them be wounded suddenly Psalm 64:7 Let YOUR arrow go forth as lightening against the enemy Zech 9:14 DNA
Break there bones teeth Pierce them through with your arrows Num 24:8 Shoot at YOUR enemies with YOUR arrows Psalm 64:7 Set YOUR MARK
on Mark KKK Day who is white upon my my kids families husband's that are Mexican so there is no confusion thank u Lam 3:12 Make YOUR arrows bright 

And release YOUR vengeance upon my enemies my kids families husband's that are Mexican innocents Jer 51:11 Psalm 2:4 My family and I husband's that r Mexican
innocents laugh through the HOLY SPIRIT I am redeemed my kids husband's that r 
and innocents from the curse of the law Gal 3:13 Deut 28 13 TAILED please Lord
let me just laugh tonight kill upon die can't for no reason every area on my life
and family husband's that r 
needs to be restored and just Neh 13 2 Turn every curse sent our way into a blessing. Let the arrows fly so there's no drama from Kayleena Freeman Rebecca Ferguson Freeman Shaleen Freeman Ferguson Luis Ferguson Anthony Ferguson teeth Christina Creller Jessica Kyle Albert Salcedo Rick Maria Ferguson Salcedo LUIS Ferguson Torres Joel Magdeleno Larry Brand Deanna Larry Loudermilk Sara James white Jake white weird white guy David Trimble works at in and out in Reno Richard Boyd Sharon Boyd Sharon are u praying for everyone to be 3 like Richard and who else Jessica religious weirdo you can keep your evil
ohhhhhh just keep the arrows flying so I don't cry anymore have peace please Lord and laugh
I needed it i didn't want to even be alive but God won't take me home yet. Lord have mercy on my soul and everyone is feeling like me please Lord I need this to END
FOREVER then make sure these insane people get caught wear there prayers just so I see them and can not go near them and everyone for safety reasons please
Psalm 79 12 DNA
bind the principalities powers that operate against us and bind the verses to us for freedom only my family and I husband's that are Mexican 
and innocents no bueno are brought to the LIGHT 
fold all the way from the spiritual to the physical stat according to God's will in Jesus name amen amen amen amen amen amen amen amen