Disciple of Prayer
Dear Lord, You know who is sending you this prayer. You can already predict and know what it's about. At the end of the day it's about the consequences of my own actions. None of these consequences are your fault and I place no anger on you. But these consequences are largely for actions that I took some ### years ago. The shame and ridicule stretches on for years. I have lost so many nights of sleep and lived in stress and anxiety with this too much. Can I not move on? Can my old life not be forgotten? Lord I have worked so very hard, with all of the other challenges you know I have faced. I ask, PLEASE in the name of your Son Jesus Christ and by the blood of Him who was shed on Calvary's cross, that the public knowledge, ridicule and shame be lifted forever. I ask in His same name for a miracle for online search results to be erased, buried or removed. Can I ask that I can go on with my life, unburdened by my past and not live in worry. PLEASE Lord, I call out loudly to you in the silence of my own heart and mind for help TODAY. I claim victory over this shame and pain in your Son's name and I thank you for all the gifts and blessings you bestow upon us. In the name of The Father, The Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.