Please help. I’m a doctor and feel like I can’t do this anymore. I feel like a terrible doctor and that I can’t do anything right and I dread my shifts and hate myself. I hate that I am not making good use of the opportunities God has given me and keep messing things up. Please pray for me to have knowledge, wisdom, clarity, and faith to do what God wants.
I have prayed for you. May Jesus touch you and heal your mind and heart.
I know God loves you so much. You help people and that’s a big thing with God. Sometimes we mess things up, but we are human. We just start again. There’s a saying- Depression and anxiety come when we live to please others.
Really the only one we need to please is God. And He is a forgiving God.
We as humans cannot comprehend the enormity of love God has for us. And there is nothing we can do that will separate His love from us!
So please don’t say you hate yourself. God made you. You are His child. We are all brothers and sisters.
I used to hate my job. They had me working every shift there was. It wrecks your mind and body. They also had me train someone for my job so they could transfer me 30 miles away.
Well, I was hating everyone and everything. Then one night I had a light bulb moment (God talking to me) if I changed my way of looking at things, they actually might look somehow better. So the next day I went to work smiling and laughing and it actually worked. Things were going better. They transferred me, and the job there was even better than the one I had.
God is always with us. Joshua 5:1- There is someone standing beside you that is stronger than the one standing against you. (Paraphrasing)
When you feel down, remember God loves you and is on your side. Keep helping people. Set aside a certain time to talk to God about anything. He wants to hear from you. When you get closer to Him, He’ll get closer to you. He’ll let you know His plans.
God bless you and give you strength and courage and His peace. In Jesus Name amen