Prayer Warrior
I prophecy decree declare into existence let my family that's a good thing be able to near me breathe near me help me and I needs met I get a place to live easily Get the BLUE Shield
Narrator is exposed and all extreme witchcraft they are brought to shame it's not there DNA heart air water in our bodies to control. Please bring Richard Boyd Albert Rick Maria Salcedo Kyle Jessica religious weirdo Bree Kareena Gross Roger Sandra Fairres Jo Calzado Tina Luis Torres Sandra Torres Stacey Torres Cynthia Torres Kayleena Freeman Ferguson Shaleen Freeman Ferguson Christina Creller Harrow Rebecca Myers Kim Ferguson Teresa Hydrogo Kelly Leyba Kelly Couldron Gwen Braden Shylo Tori Joshua Nixon his mother Lina Calzado Joel Magdeleno Maria Magdaleno Hector Maya followers Anthony Ferguson teeth weird followers Paula's the ring keep your weird blocking portal crap weird demons you send to sew people up no ones air house control Anyone else hiding in secret to block kill destroy my hearts desires God's will in my life myself my kids family that is a good thing innocents Hit
passage X3 Deut 28 13 TAILED Tail your name
today is TAIL your not the HEAD
. Then hit
passage X3 Deut 28 6 My family And I are blessed coming in and going out X3 Then Matthew 16:19 Whatever I bind on Earth
is bound in heaven whatever is loosed on Earth
is loosed in loosed in heaven no keys of mine power GPS dimensions domain dominion your not me my family that is a good thing innocents and it's not your bday monitoring spirits gone Spirit of Kora to block God's GIFTS from moving GONE leviathan PRIDE and arrogant demons blocking HOLY SPIRIT your scales head
is gone no voice to control Chakra control of mine my kids family that is a good thing innocents Then hit
passage Joshua 6 5 JERICHO your name
is Now Jericho Gal 3:13 My kids family that is a good thing innocents are redeemed from all curses then your name is Curse EGYPT you are way to wicked to be alive. Then let passage hit
let the people who chase me to steal kill block secretly hit
passage John 10 10 DIAZ DIAZ DIAZ DIAZ no way you can steal kill block listen it's not your bday Monitoring crap is gone heads of all wickedness now as rotteness you prayed it keep it wear it Psalm 79 12 DNA
SiGNATURES based then Hit
passage Hebrews 4 12 FAST Quick and powerful sharper than any two edged sword 
piercing even into the deepest of marrow bones all the way from the spiritual into the physical let my needs be met today no drama send that back to sender s they are not Great in GRACE no one has my GRACE you are thieves stay out of my voice air GREATNESS no one has my position GLORY to GLORY domain GPS dominion dimensions if you are pretending to be me wickedness as rotteness you have absolutely no soul mate fun no sex no drugs no alcohol you have what you prayed for my life die upon die disgrace is your face keep it no one breathe near you keep it no one text you keep it no one sees u as there person keep it now you are off and off
and odd you cannot have my energy I prayed for moved for or my kids family that is a good thing innocents for now on let today be a day God wins and the Narrator is exposed no dark black magic 
shields work you are a weapon Isa 54:17 Weapons byeeeeeee kick 

Rocks let everyone who is following me be happy today that's a good thing we are with our JOY of the LORD that is ours no one else can use my anoiting with flies bees spiders nats birds dogs cats no dominion on Earth it doesn't work you only are evil way to wicked to be alive let all those people who are wicked be the talk parrot
of the town to everyone and setback judging to steal favor doesn't work instead your judged forever
that you want no one to prosper just die and so u can rape kill children seniors my love life every area get out of my air I breathe my kids family that is a good thing innocents forever into existence in Jesus name amen amen amen amen amen amen amen amen amen