Beloved of All
please healpleas epray that the Lor dhela me of a broken heart diabete sinsipidus and type 1 diabetes by the power of HIS presence. Pleaewe pray i am free of flesh eatign bacteria tha tmy teeth broken tooth a, chipped acid eroded teeth will rise in the Lords ressuerection power her on earth. please for my dslavationt he salvaiton of al my fmaily blood line and that the Lor dprotects my family blood lien form all sickness disease All becaus eof the Lord Jeus Christ al becaus ef of oru intercessor all becuas eof Him! all becaus eof Him! THe Lord cover suwith His HOly blood forgives our sisn and gently guides us as His flock. i pray this for all peopel too. Lor dhelp us Do your IWll not get distracted and rbign YOu glory. help us to know you. pelase heal my parents in very way. heal their hearts. heal their emotions ehar their brian heal everyignthing by the power of the Lord Jeus Chist. dleiver my grandma pelas eLord Jeus Chirs tlsal becuas oe fthe Lord Jeus Christ all becaus eof the Lord Jesu Ce Christ all becuas eof the lord Jesuc Christ. LOr dJesu Chris tpleas edelive rmy fmaiyl form all satnaic opression osteoporsis, autism aspergs syndorm diabetes diabetesin insipidus neurdegenerative disease pyscholocal diases. give lal my family a aosund mind excelelnt wrking bodies for th glor of the Lord Jeus Chirst. please Lor dhela my da dof osteoporosis , please gise reveal YOurself to HIm poweruflly and my mom too. BE our deliverer forgive us .WE need OYu help pelase please ! Pleas ehal my grandma blood pressure completls heal her hela her hear heal her will hear her heart her brian . pelase giv emy whole fmaiyl living Water , WHich YOu are Lord Jeus Chirst. please give us livignwater to us Lord. thank OYu for the healign us that flows form your own scars. Please save al souls. dleiver us form wars famines covid all pestilence. help the elderly help the widos help the orphanse. pelase protect us form all evil. protect us Lord with OYur Hoyl spirit. forgiv oeur sisn. tLord Jeus Chris ti please the holy blood on all flesh. please save su and dleive rus formt he covid .please pleas ebring jsutice to poor and needy and help us to do yOYur WIll. please reveal yourself to al people. We only hav ehope in YOur lord Jeus Chirst. pleas thanky ou for givign us yoursefl to saves us form hell please prolongue our lives and please heal oru bodies and may we serve oyu till you come back faithuflly wiht allour hearts. please have mercy on us all. please hela my fmaily form brokeness . giv ey mom merry heart soudn mind and dleiver her brian form the enemy int hename ofthe Lord Jeu SCHirst. pleas ehelp em rpeahc the gospel. help em knwo oyu. and serve oyuthe way you want. forgiv emy sins. please heal Schneider Vilmsné of osteoporosis. heal my brothe rof histaime intoleranc eocmpeltley heal and help my brother and sister in law in eever yway. pleas ehlp Victoria gain weight. pleas eprovid for all their needs. ehal and protect them form al danger. heal their flesh . let them knwo that You ar eiwht them and help them take godo car eof their duaghter. provide their neds and th esupport an dhelp they need and nutrition food clothign shlleter warmth friendhsips they needs in Chris to grow inchrist. i pray this for my entire fmaily blod line. please heal my grandma . heal her strengthen her. prais eot YOu lrod Jeus Chirs. thela her pleas and mymoma nd da.d pleas ehal allonthis site pelase remove all tumors form everyone body please remove allc ancer form al peoples bodies. please remove every demonic spirit out of all flehs by the power of the Lord Jesu Christ. All Glroy and prais eot HIm forever,.our Only Hopeplease thnak you. please heal my dad and restore His soul Lord jeus Christ. hela his spine his bones. giv ehim exceleltn weight nutrtition and deliver him form all metabolic disorder isn his body. i pray this for all peorple. pleas edleiver lal peopel form circulation and mentabolic disorders and brian disorders. Please dleive rus all from flehs eaitgn bacteri periodontsois disaese. plase dleive rus ofrm worry, anxiety, form prain from acidosis . pleas e:: All becua soe the Lord JeuS Christ. pleae thank YOu lord. All becua seof him. protect the bod yof hrist form al evil. from persecution. protec tus al from death especially my family and all people. plase protect us all form al demonci spirits. gudie all coutnry lears wiht oyur hoyl Spirit. force ofsu to Do OYur Will to hear Your voice and forive us. pelase thnaky ou. All Glro yto OYu Lord Jesus Christ