Beloved of All
And my husband has been married for almost 14 years now I have known him since I was around 15 16 years old that just a few things I can say when we first met! Yes we have made a lot of mistakes in our lives We are not perfect and I have never really done this before but I don't know what else to do We really do need a financial blessing but most of all I need a personal relationship with the heavenly Father in heaven who created heaven and earth We need a relationship with Jesus Christ who died for our sins in a relationship with the Holy Spirit but I say this I pray when I need and not in need but truthfully we in need now we on months and a half rent when we first moved here everything was included it was $### a month with everything included I thought we was stress free but now we back at the start gate bills are piling up we trying to pay as much as we can but ABBA Father in heaven WE NEED YOUR MERCY WE NEED YOUR GRACE! WHO IS YOUR FORGIVENESS WE NEED YOU IN OUR LIVES ARE WE PERFECT NO BUT WE DO OUR BEST TO PUT INTO PRACTICE WITH GOD WANT US TO DO WE HAVE FAILED SO MANY TIMES WE NEED HELP IN JESUS NAME WE REALLY NEED HELP!!