Humble Servant of All
Please God please forgive me for all the sins that i have done against you Jesus please 

. please pray for me as i do not know what to do next as i finished my studies in degree and i do not know what to do next so please pray for that what ever god's plan and god's well should be done and i still do not know what should I do so please
pray for me and also please pray for my mother and father and my grandfather health . please pray for my father legs and feet as he is having some problems and some fluid in there inside his legs and it should be gone so please please pray for him and also please pray for my elder sister and her husband health i thank God for the prays that was answered and as she is pregnant please pray for her health as well as the baby's health that everything should go wonderful and also please pray for my sisters and brothers health and study and exams and also please pray for my anut who is having GBM cancer as she is becoming very very weak day by day and she as lost her voice she is not able to speak walk or talk as her strength is going and she is feeling very tired and sleeping alot and some time she sleep for all most full day and gets up that night and she lost her strength in her hands and is having difficult to even move and today she is having fever so please please pray for her health please and also please pray for her family health and also please pray for my mom has she is having alot of pain in her stomach as she had got Operated before in those place she is pain and so please please pray for us please please 
