Beloved of All
please forgive me for all my short comigns and failures. i want o change. help me tochange. help me o repent of my sins and seekk you wiht all my heart. please forgive all my sins. help me to seek oyuwih my all of my heart and not mere words. forgive em for all the times i have nto kept my word. please giv eme the power to b faithful to oyu always. thank you for this day ofr gifitng me wiht this day. help me to liv eit to the full. please take away all my ilness sickness burdne diseases and dleiver emf orm all dmeosn. please do the for all people. i plead oyu holy blood. thanky ou for beign the sacrifice for my sins. please guide me into all turth an digve em an udnerstanidng heart. please do the same for all peopel. please help me to ocmmit my works onto oyu and establish my thoguths. please do the same for all epoeple espcially my mom dad and my brother an Grandรฉ his wife my husband, b, V Bรฉla allpeopel. please help us to seek oyu wiht all our hearts. please purge us form all sisn and nd sinful lifestyle. help em no to waste this day on vanity inclien my ehart nto to vnaity. im sorry fo r wasting my lfi eon vanity. thank you so mcuh for all the healig you gave me last night. you are th ebest! Lord i gave oyu my worries about my mom s teeth please heal restore andfill her life iwht good thigns fill ehr mouth with lughter joy in you Lord likfe nvever before. may she experience deivne joy today and alway. pelase giv ehe rnew sharp teeh and also me tooa nd my da dbrother B and al epoel. please regorw limby for organs (insuln) pancrweatic enymes, please hal my moms moth her brian her hears. please touch her with oyur lvoe and rbign helaign to all her life. giv eher a merr yheart. may she experience miracl eisn her motuh today. please dleive rher form all flesh eating bacteria rmove all unclena spirits and creat a clena heart wihtign her giv ehe rammerry heart and deliver her form all disease all anxiety worry stress fears and asperger syndorme. heal and make new heale dneuropathways for er brian. pleas ebelss and protect her form all evil and protect her thguths form evil too. please give her tremendous amoutn of joy today. thanky o Lord for your helaign ouches in thename of the Lord Jesus Christ. thank youf or my mothe rbelss her keepher and Lord revealyour salvaiton to her and that youa re Lord and Saviour. Lordi lift my dad up to oyu also. please heal his emotions heal his heart valve and dlever himf orm all demons .im sorry for cauign dishonour an dpain my myparent slives. pelase forgive me. i plead yur holy blood.please resotre my partns bakc to health restore their oyuth anddleiver them form alld isease and alll demonscurses. pelase do all iny oru power to hela bless and protect my parents and all fmaily memebrs and all epoel orm accident clamities and deaht. please surroudn us with oyur holy protective helaign and misniterign angels. iask this for my partnes my fmaily all relative andi and my neice and nephew. ord please also for my husband. please help us to schknoweldege oyu in all yoru ways andmake our paths stgith. bless alpeoel like jabez please. pleas ehal my dads theeth gums remove all gyuladรกs and unclena things form my parent smotugh teach them to think lonvely ture thoguths and dleiver themform allunclena htoughts deliver themf orm bitterness depression anxiety lonliness. help them in every way Lord prosper them itn heir health and osul. i plead you HOly blood upon my parents. pelas ehal my parnts hearts and marrige even if oyu are willign. please destory the works fo the devil in their live isn my life an idn my husbands life too. lord pelase el tme knwo who my husband here in earth is if oyu have a husband for me. please od not give me an ungoly sposue and also only the flesh of my flehs bone fo my bone. please giv es happy married lfie and provide for allour need.s pelasehall my husband in everyway an help him do the work you want him to do. always guid ehim wiht oyur holy spriit and protec him form evil. giv ehim sttrenght joy like never before and rstore his youth like the eagle.s ipra yhe lvoe sme liek CHirst loves me and gav ehimsel fup for me. please hela his lfie in every wa.y please dliever B form smokig and alchhaulism aand dleive rhimform anyhtgn that oyu harm him or preventhim form doign Godโs WIll. may he truly knwo oyu Lord Jesus Chirst. pelas edleive rall his firend scoworkers all epoel form all unclena spriits allugndoliness and and ungodly ahbits. ugid ehtem all ino all truth. i pray htis for lalepole. please take away all coorna virus plagues form this plantet Lord take away my ungodly habits szilรกnk phobia germ dirt phobia constantly washign my hands obsessed wiht self image dleiver me form bakc biting and form gettign angry when lonley or depressed. help me te truly ocntent wiht what I have for oyur will never elave em or forsake me. Lor di pray that oyu help me do oyur WIlla dn find joy ind ing so. help me to be dependant ony ou Lord and independant of people. help me to have love for all adn do what is right in your sight always. pleas ehal me form not haivng firend not ebign desires. please deliver em form type 1 diabetes and all metabloic acidsosis. please also hela mom and Grandรฉ and brothe rmy dad form all emtbaloic ciruclaiton high blood suga rhigh blood pressure stress related disorders. help us all and Grandรฉ too and Vilike B and all peoel all relative my husband form you Lord and lalepoel forin tru contentment serivng oyu Lord and also may we encoutner oyu in a deeper more intimate level. may we truly know oyu. Help me no t dto ocmaper or compete wiht others and help mer un my own race you have set befor e me. help me to be self confident and content wiht how oyu made me and the borders oyu have given me.YOu ar eunlimited an di thank yand prais eoyu for that. pleas eitncreas emy teritory. please dleive rme form proide ego and help em to humbly walk wiht oyu as did moses. i pray htis fo rlalpeoel. pleas eend all wars all rumors of wars incuding wars wihting fmialies please forgive us oru isns. let thei rbe peaceful end of all wars and peace among allepoel. help me to pursue peace wiht allpeople. including myslef. forgivem me for awaring iwht my sise irn law. Lor di ws foolish. i call upon oyu inthe da yof troub imosorry t me outif oyu are willign i achknowledge my sisn pelase sav eme. i pray this for allwpopwl. i pray of rhtose gireivng and laso i pray oyu dleiver lal who are suicidal form suh thoguths. pelase giv elalepoel hope and joy and helaign in their lives. please dleiver my form type 1 diabets and the roto cause therof. please help me cen house i plead oyu rholy blood upon this prayer. please forgive me. ehlp em to repent. please heal mym om form all hopless htoughts giv ehe rlonely thoguth sLord estblish her htoughts. sam eiwht my dad and Grand and all peopel. and give Bmerr yhappy heart and bless him too. bles Grandรฉ with long helahty happy wonderful life glorfying you and also my mom and ad and rbothe rand wife and em and my hubby form te Lord and lalepoel. please help us repent. teahcus int he way we shudl go and may we discern oyur vice and WIll for our lives clearly with proper tone as well. pleas ehal my mosm brian in every way. pleas ehelp em be kind to her an dhelp with what she needs. help me to obey my parent isn all thigns. forgiv eme for saying thigns in your name. your WIll be doen conenrign my dads tooth. do al inyour power to prolongue heal and help my partnes adn thie rhealth and savlaitonto them in every way. dleiver them forma le ivl. in thenamef othe Lord Jeus chirst. do al yin oyur powe rto belss them and brign them the helaign they need form your throne Lord. touch them Lord Jesus Christ and heal where theyy ar eowunded bidn up their wounds and heal them form truama. heal Vicky ofrm truama dn ehal my form truama tooa dn and heal my form salf hate unowrhtiness. forgive my sisn and make me repent. i wan to be in your WIll no matter what. yu are God Fatherand I ask oyu to pelas ehelp me repent of all mysins make it easy pelase and brign helaign to thos ei have hurt. help me to forgiv ehtose who hurt me or twere not there for me. help me to cature every htought in obedience to oyua nd do the same for lal epoepl. please restor eheal aall marirgaes you hav ordained.