Please fontinue to pray formy grandma Schneider Vilmosné who is having seizures all the time cannot open her eyes.. not sure what damage has been don she needs helaign form heart disease fluid buildup She needs strength from God to rid of waste. She needs healign form small bowel obstruction syndrome form herniea or hip prosthetics. needs Lord mercy over my sins needs his forgiveness need his help . LOrd Jesus Please heal Schneider VIomosné from all of her bed of illness. My dad need shelaing as well his heart insulin too much blod sugar, i need healign of diabetes my mom needs helaung of of her heart back side spinal hernias and body for she fell yesterday Please Lord help us not to quarrel . Pelase heal Grandé. Please Lord Jesus Christ forgive me for not brushign my teeth . my teeth hurt. Pleas ehelp me bruch my teeth. pelase give me strenght to help my grandma. Lord i feel so wewak: HElp Lord jesus Christ. pelase brign salvation to all my family members plas ehal us all and please please please do allin your power to miraculously hela my grandma of the caus eof her not being able to eat normalls. pelase giveherproper bowel movements and please make it so her hip prosthetics are in perfect alignment with her body. Please also dleiver her form the seizures pleaseheal her blood pressure and please breath life into her. please lord jeasus Christ heal her of all nerulogical malfunctioning of her brain and heart. please heal her blood . deliver her form all infection and please HElp me care for her. Please LOrd if you want the physcician to come pleas ehelp me get the houdse an dmy grandma ready. Please I Am so weak LORd i need your help Lord Jesus Christ askignfor a miracle. Please healp me to obey my mom in all things for this is pleasing to YOu. Lord im so exhasuted. pelase heal my granfdmas seizures bowels and her eyes. Please heal my grandma of all brain damage giv eme wisdom and understadnign on what to pray how to and whatt od o to help my grandma family and myslef. Please deliver my fgrandma form the devil 100%. please intercde on her behalf and with Your hOkly Blood. Please aks Ask Heavenly Ftahr to heal Schneider VIlmosné brain blood pressure circulatroysystem nerulogivcal system and clear her body of all waste and clean her of all evil. Please hela my moms heart. please heal hr ciculation and periodontissi disease. sttengthen my mother. Please also my dad. Please brign your salvation to all of us. LORD help me to do you Will today. Help all peopel to do your Will today. Please dleiver my grandma form all neurlogical disodrers please for your praise and Glory. Lord Please d all in your Powr to hela my grandma from the seizures small bowel obstruciton syndrome and heal her bowels. Please remove all evil activitis in her body and please give her excellent ciculations and excleleent supply of oxygen to her brain heart and lal her cells. Please alsoheal my foot cirulcation and diabtes. Lord have mercy heal my brothers heart.. give himyour slavation and heal his histamine intolernace. delive rhim formt ehd evil and bring helaign to his life. Pleas deliver my entire family form depression hoplessness poverty quareling coventousness. please also heal Vilike. hela hi of all neurlogical disorders please bless him and protect him form all evil. Please let no harm come uponhim.hela his teeth and deliver him from all flesh eating bacteriy. pelae Lord JesuS Christ giv ehimt he best care best food best of everythign to hima nd all my fmaily and all people. Please dleiver lal people form homelessness and also may all eat and drink today. pelase save all souls Lord Jesus Crista nd hla the netions. pelase dleiver this world from covid 19 and all evil viruses. pelase dleiver allpeople form cancer and form all flesh eatign bacteria. Please dliever all people from all felsh eatign bacteria. Pleasehelp us to hear your voice and obey onlyYur Lord. have mercy on my sins. Please do all iny our power ot hela my grandma for Your Glory Lord Jesus Chrit. LOrd i feel weak HElp me an dmy mom as well.Strengthen all my fmily and dleiver us and our posession formt he devill 100% . please lot no harm come upon any of my fmailymember sor any evil accidmnts. Please Lord Jesus Chirst guide uss trongly wiht Your hOly spirit. Please lord Jesus Chirts otuch abnd helamy grandma for oyur glory. touch and heal all peopel for your Glory Lord Jesus Chrit praise hOnour and Glory ot You. Lord and Savior of all. Have merc yon my sins. please heal my parents where they need helaing. guide all physicians nruses caregivrers strongly iwth your hOly spirit. please prolongue all our lives and please bless all those who are prayinfg for my grandma an dfmailay. I love you all brothers and sisters in Christ