Humble Prayer Warrior
Please Father show me where to move. Thank you for saving my life as well as my little kitty Blu and Mark from our house fire in FL. I heard you say to come home to where I was born in TN. I am in an Extended Stay because You showed me Mercy and Blessed me with Faith. Mark had to go back to FL. Only if it is in Your Perfect Plan, bring him back and show us where to go. I love you Lord! Thank You for my Salvation. Please give my little one Blu a clean bill of health Friday morning for his 3 month xray check up that he has been clear of malignant lung cancer for over a year after his Miraculous lung lobectomy removing the 3rd stage sick lobe! Hallelujah
I am Blessed Father, but I am conflicted about Mark coming back and where we can afford. I want to come to my Eternal Home as soon as I have served my Purpose for you Dear Loving Father. In Jesus Name I Pray. Amen Please help all Your Children that You know their needs. I, Tiffany, lift them up in their time of need. May we all be together soon! Please Father show any Believer that is not yet aware we are given an Armor from You. I put all six pieces on many days more than once. The great thing or positive about this is as the Spiritual Warfare becomes more evil...You Are Closer Jesus Christ Our Lord and Savior to our Rapture. Yes. Yes. Yes. Come Lord. Use me any way to spread the Gospel. I want everyone to know satan has been defeated! AMEN