Humble Servant of All
Please continue to pray for the Lord to take care of an account that you will be able to take care of school and rebuild the account trade with the fears and anxieties to leave our mind Pray for victory tomorrow and getting the account straightened out be a good conversation victory in Jesus John 14 Mark 11:22-33 and stronger that they will be in a position to be able to drive again get back to the store and do some study that the Lord show him how to pray for his future sons and laws and grandchildren Pray for us more energy together again and never apart pray for Jesus rest in you Lord and not allow Jesus faith to go out the window pray for Jesus worries about her new work and training and finishing school leftovers off of her and her DE classes and her medical forms and it will come in a mail will be victory in Jesus and that way the Lord will take care of it for her and the Lord to take care of wound cleansing who need her medical help for our eyes also that's the Lord to take care of her future as a wife and mother and just trusting you Lord pray for Julie for the same thing that the that you would take care of her anxiety and some fears pray for the old job to open up soon and make even better opportunities virtually peace pray for Lord to help them both to keep their eyes on you pray for their weddings at the Hampton home future grandchildren and Bob H will see and other grandchildren who didn't get to see pray for the family to be restored pray for Aunt Bee to come back tomorrow and that she will tell her family and G where she goes from now on pray for Lord to help her too talk to Karen about Becky mom and pray for her and pray with her and that she will send Bob age a nice car or letter and sharing love pray for the Lord to heal our families heal us from all the sadness and sorrows pray for the healing of Julie's anxiety Bobby just helping me and I and ears pray for Lord to keep him strong pray for the shop to grow regrow regroup pray for the car to be restored and that other car of the Lord will provide for G and for Julie pray for Julie's unemployment will continue to be able to help support Julie as she's trying to get back to work pray for her to take care of those government assistance programs and assistance from SSD to come through your room is 828. To take over her pray for Lord and take care of the CC transactions today with their victory in Jesus pray for the Lord to take care of refunds this should be posted tomorrow in Jesus name Pray for Lord to not allow anyone performed against the more Hampton Union and their future and Christ Jesus pray for work to put on his heart to communicate with G left you know that he's doing okay. Those scriptures are spoken to him moved him and melted his heart convicted his heart protect them from farm protect them from the she definitely in the heat levels and the relocation that will pay for Uncle Charles to talk with him at times and puts the right prayers for him and prays for him and for g together again pray for Uncle Charles to be healed Charles in Ohio that lady Timothy pray for Winston soul he will come to Jesus Chucky pray for Brandy and family healing pray for will and family pray for Lord to love Julie's work to be seen as excellent and her work and touch millions to come to Jesus. Music certificate and degree and help her to get her science and other research projects with scholarships and grants at the Lord will provide for her that your eligibility in Jesus name for please pray for the account to be okay in Christ the Roman say to John 14 Mark 11:22-33 and victory in Jesus pray for healing for the past to cooperate from Ms e's family for Pastor Dave that he will contact our age soon and G and family in Jesus name is Jay her for Mr JW's heart is she any other issues that the Lord will tell him how to take care of himself and get himself together and if he needs to come cut down that will make the Lord lead him into cutting it down in Jesus name pray for more to no longer formed against him and I should have prosper pray for victory in Jesus for his awesome family Miss Eliza Pray for peace and a nice day for RGCT CJ BJV WJ C's family pray for our family Michigan Arkansas Ohio New York pay for VA California is woods and family is Annika and William and family pay for our family Canada the pools the pounds of popes paid for Lord they keep our family strong paper Mrs and her sister to get back into the right work the Lord will show how to gain weight and get her health back and get some help psychological help starting this week with the Lord wills pray for Mrs and to work on her projects this summer and have time to mental rest and physical rest pay for G to be with help with her and she can help she pray for the help to get things to the store be home is 828 for that and that the things will be an excellent manner and now profit will come pray for the properties and need to be sold to be put in the family account for the future and the grandchildren and Jesus name pray for that gift that the Lord will love our base to see his grandchildren in Jesus name pray for victory in Jesus for our families pray for his long-lost sisters that the Lord will make away for to see his sisters nieces and nephews they never met in Jesus name Pray for Lord to restore the years to local so tried to destroy pray for Bob agencies transactions to go well pray for the car to be even exchanged for a good car when he gets the car back and also for a monitor television that will be restored and put together again and electricity electrical work will be taken care of pro bono or very very low cost for Bob page and for the roof of the of the garage and pray for the Lord to take care of the things sold to the shop to be sold well in Jesus name and pray for victory and family and friends again and Bobby gets enlisted and a good Bible fellowship and men's fellowship with Grace Church or meridian Church and that the Lord will downsize him in a good way in Jesus name and have the house available condition and pray for victory again especially her for Ross more he will contact you in the positive way and to remind her of his love is still strong and Jesus Christ and not nothing has changed but the words of Jesus have changed his heart and draw them closer to the Lord and please pray for Jesus not to be fearful and worry about taking care of the account and then be Romans 8 to 8 amen and amenbeth pray for Mr chairman and family!