Humble Servant of All
Please continue to pray for peace and a comfortable take the way the money please pray for Lord to make them more happy you and the victory in Jesus Christ pay for us more to read the word everyday the scriptures to let up his heart to meld his heart his love is still stronger Jesus Christ forgiven his parents to pray for G another for next up there people waiting to come to home new sons and laws and grandchildren and Jesus Christ thanks for watching to not allow picking moms heart mind and soul and love not to be forgotten and to continue it and pray for the account issues to be able to put for the lab that no one performed against the account shall prosper in Jesus name a lot of informed against mailing it back and receiving information in Jesus name praying for the Lord to tell mercy get that letter in the mail this week and Jesus name pray for Lord to help the classes ready for G cuz she will pass and Julie will pass in Jesus name people to help Julie with her courses for her heart and restoration and help with her math skills other skills to go through well in Jesus name certified pray that in Jesus name pray with all that get her out with her SSD in Jesus name and as she will pass and be qualified to get assistance and Jesus name please pray for Lord and allow me to perform against her not prosper in Jesus name peace pray for her to get she ready for classes in the New Year and that she will be answerable for scholarships and grants and Jesus name her AS membership will continue that she will be able to get internships and editors abilities to write and be paid for her writing in Jesus name for science or math and music people are together back into your music and New Year pay for us more to be more attention to your musical skillsplease pray for Lord to pray for us more to seek he for sticking with God and pray for G him together again never park people Uncle Charles to pray for GM Ross more together again He is contacting him and went funny at how I'm doing in the description so I really isn't a good spirit and Jesus name please pray for Lord to not allow anyone performed against them That's not prosper fit prayer for victory in Jesus and that the Lord will not allow the Charles to have any more illnesses that were running for talking to Ross more praying for them pray for Miss Kay to get a new job within her college and that she will get trained to move forward and that training workshop that she missed a few summers ago regain it and Jesus name pray for Lord to take care of the house repair working at the information will come in this week the Bible get the house worked out and went to rifleman road and said anything they'll be the facing property and Jesus name pay for the property to the house to be so hope to rent out different income in Jesus name pray for lunch another car to go and let the car be taken care of pro bono and Jesus name in the driveway and the other big car will come back and near future and above it you go to drive it soon and well it's safe and healthy people to see a to open again not the Lord a lot of being a proper time to bring it to charge back and get some training in Jesus name pray for victory in Jesus for the purpose of house the pools Pastor D Pastor a Mr Sam pay for IP address this year good transition at home will get together with her and regularly future pay for this he and family it's Jane family Mrs Ann is not mad at you but the liar made it all up and Mrs and sister will start working more medicine when they future pray for our family in Ohio and New York and Florida and California is Denise Michigan for upstate New York pay for West Africa South Africa Germany France the islands Lebanon faithful order till hours all to be family again and Jesus name and pray for my migraines and my wound healing healing and also cleansing pay for my knee migraines and vertigo that the Lord will take care of those obstacles and pray if I can get the help I need Jesus name and pray for peace and head to home for victory in Jesus amen and amen