Humble Servant of All
please continue to pray for peace and happiness peace instead of a war zone proof it anxiety and fear and depression to leave this house to become a home again pray for new sons and laws and grandchildren that were blessed by page and what Pokemon gave to us pay for a love to say with us and pray for her transition to heaven Jesus Christ peaceful restful in him pray for our souls to be lifted up pray for us more that he will stay in the word that his love for G is still strong in Jesus that his love that the Lord gave him and convicted him of whatever struggle said he has and he didn't relinquish to him will awaken his heart pray for him to remember that God is his release a stressor and that the word of God has moved him and changed his heart pray for those scriptures sent to him he will read them he will contact you remind her of his love for her pray for the more Hampton Union in Jesus Christ pray for fear to leave g's mind and anxious thoughts that are future be bright in the Lord and not to worry about her graduating school working training and getting a grants for projects that are needed to develop so many things that the Lord will provide for with the right sources in Jesus name pray for me and she'll get a medical procedure done a little no-cost fish paper medical assistance to come through well pray for a wound cleansing and a feature so I can mother pray for Julie that she will stop boring and stressing pray for her future husband and Christ Jesus that you will be a loving man of God the leader and that they will lead them to a wonderful position in Christ Jesus pray for peace for our heart pray for Lord to a reminder for Christ is in our life pray for confusion and stress and anxiety to leave her and Jesus saying pray for the Lord to work at the house repairs that need to be done more house repairs also car repairs pray for the shop to be good the nothing's going on that's negative pray for all the things that need to be sold will be sold in Jesus name pray for Lord to take care of the things that mom works so hard for that will make us huge profit and be able to help others pay for the bank account to be good for cheetah utilized and add to it that she can able to get to school this year and get her projects done to be able to work hard and that the Lord will lead her to the right position. Julie certification will do well should be bank a difference for people's eyes to her art and training. Bob H that his head will be taken care of no hidden illnesses not a life-threatening procedure that he will get help and he will be in the Bible study group prayer with other Christian men both support him love him and he can have a brethren and Christ again pray for r&b pray for Mrs and sister that they will both find peace with God. She will be okay in Jesus name we will all get together again little by little and celebrate picky mom's life in the positive way. Family today will be under the blood of Jesus pray for Mrs and sister to be working as a physician soon and retraining at least from home for now pray that she will gain some weight and at the Lord will get it a proper way she needs to be in Jesus name pray for her sister not to do everything for everybody but that the Lord will make a way for her to do things in a different manner pray for a small grant for her to do her program and in their future but is Vegeta pass on her DE classes to pay her classes with the IGPA and that Julie will pass her classes and certificate program to do well pray for both of them to get eyes taken care of pray for some inoculations to go through well pray for Mrs Ann teacher counselor to get her inoculation and not argue with anybody pray for her sons to get their inoculations just the Lord leads with no argument pray for Lord to remind him that to help us first and pray for their souls to see Jesus Christ pray for peace and victory families pray for the new events next year and two years from now that it will go well for the D group and overpower the our group and pray for the ones in the r group to be punished for the things that were done on the 6th and at the lower will open up the eyes of the blind to remind them that they cannot be involved in that kind of thing and still call themselves servants pray for Mr t to be admonish Mr m pray for Mr and see to realize you can't go back and forth and that his candidate will not be a candidate pray for Mr t to be punished for the things that were done wrong but pray for his soul that he will see Jesus that his family will change that is son-in-law will come and stop doing the things over those things will be revealed for the things that he was doing that were sneaky and conniving they were sick the grace of God in Jesus name pray for the healing of his family pray for our nation's capital Pray for RJ PJ CJ WJ BJB pay for fee that she was sick Jesus and pray for all of us in Jesus precious name amen and amen and pray for Mr a that he will be able to do well in his work until they get a new pastor play for Pastor Dave to contact Mr Bob soon and that everything's okay with communicating with him there's no breaking of loss. Husband at the lawsuit's brother he wants to be with Jesus be a smooth transition for him one day in Jesus name the same for her pray for peace and lies. for going to the shop and take care of things in Jesus name and will go well in Jesus name and pray for Bob H to get out the house get the car and go out a little bit a couple times a week just to relax his mind and agree that that's a healthy thing to do in Jesus name amen and amen