Hi Punkin. Cats are close to my heart. I got such a revelation of how much God loves animals when I read His final speech to Job. Of course He loves them. They're His creation. I've also got a testimony. When we first started going to church about 5 years ago, my cat got involved in a fight and her back was injured. I was so distraught. I prayed and cried. At church, someone came up to us and said they felt they needed to pray. When we got home, Astro was completely healed. It touched me because I knew God cared about her and that He saw me.
Father, we bring Peanut before You. Your Word says that the whole of creation is groaning for the sons of God to reveal themselves. Your Word says mercy triumphs over judgement. We know that healing is the children's bread but we ask you to touch this little one. To completely remove every trace of cancer in the name of Jesus. Jesus you came to give life and life abundantly. I speak life over Peanut. She will live and not die. Every knee will.bow and tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. The name of Jesus is higher than the name of cancer. I command cancer to leave Peanut right now in the name of Jesus. I call forth restoration of damaged tissue. Be healed Peanut. Thank you Jesus that Your mercies are new every morning. We love you.