Humble Servant of All
please continue to pray for Bob H by agent family restore our family Lord make us a family again bring a new family members bring in our husbands for G bringing a husband for Julie bringing to children the grandchildren to restore our lives through you through you for weddings at the Angela pray for the love of the Becky mom gave us double past due to our families to share the love that she gave to us to pray for her love to stay with us and for all of us to be reunited again in heaven pray for her love to continually be our love pray for us to realize that her love will never go away in Jesus name for victory today in Jesus that the Lord will deliver us some meals with holidays pray to the Lord will get Bob ages car back let the Lord will get him to the doctor pray for his hip through the grace of God that the Lord will allow him to get the treatment needed. Jesus for house repairs and at theperfect for me to stop obsessing about job search but the lower override play for the black circles on these horizons and the anxiousness and the anger and the argument of this pray for Lord to help her to get a prayer forward to show her unexpected way in which the Lord will provide in Jesus name pray for Jesus' job search pray for Lord to show her the work she can do and get her the research work and training she needs pray for her to get a degree to work online this coming year and she would do well in Jesus name pray for Lord to know allowing the weather formed against her should not prosper pray for her degrees at the one school to begin her higher degrees pray for her music and her medicine work to combine in Jesus name pray for Lord to not allow them to perform against her publishing opportunities in Jesus name and pray for to get on her feet and pay for a bank account and be available for her to utilize that her mom gave her opportunity to get help and that that help will be victory in Jesus pray for the Lord to take care of unemployment for Julie that it will come through soon and that she won't have to struggle anymore and be stressed out and nervous pray for her that better have enough savings to be all right and get her training and our education for her certification in Jesus name Pray for the Lord to be with Ross more as we speak Ross more to cybersecurity genius pray for his love for G is still strong and adored pray for him Lord remind him to contact you let him know how much those scriptures and messages went to him and made to him and I left his spirit and touched his heart and prayed for his heart to be changed in Christ previous parents has to be changed and pray for G I love G and accepting and know that the Lord has brought their son a godly woman and Christ Jesus pray for their Union and Christ Jesus and the victory together as husband and wife pray for Jesus.