Humble Servant of All
please continue favor peace and have the home and healing and restoration in Christ Jesus pray for Julie's anxiety depression at the Lord and lift her up Pray for her to seek you first the kingdom of the cursing the yelling the slamming doors prefer to get some help spiritual with an organization that she can meet with others who are dealing with a lot of tension nowadays Pray for new work that we build little by little pray for her to be able to do her art to build a sell her art and her heart will be seen as beautiful and gifted to the guys of the Lord and others will see that gift of the work that she does through her art and some other venues. In school to get her classes later on this year to get her eyes taken care of pray for a wound cleansing and open up her womb to seek ye first the kingdom and then the Lord will bless her with a loving family in Jesus name Pray for us more and G together can never apart pray for the more Hampton Union and that will be a victory in Jesus pray for us more to stay in the word stay in the word and the Holy Ghost will convict his heart and all those message all those scriptures that are being sent to him have changed his heart melted his heart shut down that wall of driving himself over the edge pray for his parents to pay for G to love for an acceptor in Jesus name. Number the calendar the time the frames to leave her anxious and nervous heart Pray for her needs at the Lord will take care of her medical procedure with her medical assistance and that there will be no underlying illnesses overlying illnesses in Jesus name pray for Bob page that he will have no underlying illnesses in a minimal invasive procedure for his urology and also for the Lord to take care of any eye issues that need to be taken care of no glaucoma no macular degeneration pray for his hearing that the Lord will take care of it that he won't be able to get to help need it as we speak in Jesus name pray for weddings at the Hampton home Pray for the Lord to bless your mom's love to her life and love of a family that the Lord will shine from above to bring new grandchildren to him and grandchildren he's never met a new loving sons and lost in Jesus name pray for the love and life And victory in Jesus the baby mom gave us a blood of the Lamb pray for our families to come back together again. Special prayer for Mr c that Mr Steve will see the errors and repent and all the lies and being shot against Mr c for those lies will come out and those lies to be told and the truths that need to be told for positive reasons not for destruction reasons pray for Lord to pray for his family and that they will pray for him and others will pray for him and that the Lord will show him that those things that were done said are not appropriate under the blood of the Lamb please pray for Lord to not allow her allow the words to transmit and the lies of the devils will come out and show that the things that were done were not done things were sent will change in Jesus name pray for victory in Jesus for our country for our leaders like Mr c and others that will seek the first the kingdom pray for Mr G that he will seek God and stop lying and doing things are inappropriate to the cause pray for Mr Emily he will be convicted to do the right thing under the butt of the line and that he will seek God pray for Miss a that should do well and upcoming event and then miss a will be a leader again and pray for the leaders of her State the day will rally to do the right thing and bring out the truth about Mr t and Mr t will repent and shave his ways and toes that have given the right information about Mr t will show Mr t that Mr t and I continue that hidden behavior and Mr G also needs the grace of God in his life that those that are praying for him that he will show the arrows ways and confess to those things that were done wrong I missed your tea son will realize that as well and the truth will be told about inappropriate things that should not have been done in Jesus name Pray for all of us and pray for one another we need prayers from each other let's keep it up please pray for Lord to take care of Jay's new work and her research work and she will get the Lord will provide her contracts and grants that will enable G to do the work she needs to do and sustain some independence and that the law will take care of those things and please pray for Lord to as he is doing preparing her to be a wife and mother and not the Lord will show her to take her day by day as he prepares her she wanted at a different time but the Lord has it at the right time and pray for Ross Moore's love for G is still strong in Jesus and that the Lord has brought them together no man will put a thunder under the blood of the Lamb God bless you and thank you for your prayers for Mrs p Mrs p Mrs p Three Mrs P's one and two in Maryland one in South Carolina Pray for Mr RJ in the South Carolina check Pray for Mr Vincent's kids and LA pray for Mrs W's kids in LA pray for Mr C's kids daughter in Georgia my family and Georgia New York Ohio Wiesbaden Germany Berlin Italy Florence Texas Michigan all over the world Congo South Africa Mrs V's family pay for donor Emma not to run away with anyone to get married for the wrong reasons and live together for the wrong reasons in Jesus name and your son Chris and Thomas please pray for Mrs v marriage that some healing can be done in restoration and pray for Bonnie p that the Lord will bring her the right person in her life and grow up in Jesus name and her sister Miss m in Jesus name amen and amen