Prayer Partner
Please calm my mind, especially when the devil tries to intervene. Please bless me because of what I'm having to go through right now. I see that God is working on my behalf I still have a journey to get through this. This guy I like I have not seen him in a few months every time we would plan t spend time together something would always conflict with our scheduled visiting time. I pray that this time we will see each other and spend quality time together. I pray that money is not an issue when we see each other now that he knows how I feel and that I am not a Bank and that he as a man should wine/dine me especially since I am a female. I understand he just started out on his new job and him and I are both going through financial hardships God never said it would last forever. I know through God anything is possible. I also would like to pray for those who have lost loved ones unexpectedly, for the brokenhearted. I would like to pray for a dear friend of mine that I just found out she had to put one of her horses down b/c of bad hay she had consumed. Please help me to understand what was done is done. I pray also for my dear friend that she does sell her property so she can gain more property so she can better care for her horses. I pray that God heals her of her body she is experiencing a really bad pinched nerve in her leg I pray that she was able to soak her body and rest for a few minutes to several hours so she can start her day Monday morning. Thank you and God Bless