PLease brothers and sister in CHirst URgent emergency!! Thank you God bless youforever .Please pray in agreement that our HEavenly Father please Pleas HEAL my grandmas ulcer. Lord pelas ehal her diaebetes ( and mine to) type 1. .Please HEAL her of all flesh eating bacteria dementia yeast infections please PLEa sper ayth eLOrd heals her of heart fialure fluid build up she cannot get rid of waste pleas pray the Lord Jesus Christ dleivers her form heart failure and heals her blood pressure strenghtens her veins and arteries. PEASE I BEG YOU. i am her caregiver me and my mother round the clock for several years WE NEED THE LORD TO HELP US PLEASE I BEG you PLEASE We need a miracle PLEas ie beg you I odnt want to lose my grandma PLEase Lord pelas ehal Shcnieder vIlmosné form all her bed of illness please give her proper bowel movements and hela her of all diabetes and all felsh eatign bacter ia and also me and my mom and my whole fmaily. Pelase Lord PLease dleive rmy grandma form all Blockages that prevent her form peeing eliminating waste properly.LORD PLEASE hela all her organ failure LORD PLEASE I BEG YOU PLEASE hela Her ofr oyur glor ygoive us all
w isdom Send help: DO all in your power to heal my grandma form all her illnesses includind all brian damage neruodegenerative disease. Pelas elOrd Jeus Chirts hela her small bowel obstruciton syndorme and all her bdy weakness and deformities. PLEASE LOR HELP hela her so she can have excelelnt oxygen and circulation. She needs better circulation. She doest open her eyes heands cramsps seizure. Please LORd she needs helaign PEase LOrd Pleas epray and also all my family too and all peopel. Pelase give your saltion to allpeopel have mercy and thanky ou Lord Jesus Christ for you are the Great Physician. True gOd and eternal LIFE: Pleas epray for my grandmas helaign and salvation and for my family helaign and savltion.Thanky oU for oyur prayers God bless you forever
w isdom Send help: DO all in your power to heal my grandma form all her illnesses includind all brian damage neruodegenerative disease. Pelas elOrd Jeus Chirts hela her small bowel obstruciton syndorme and all her bdy weakness and deformities. PLEASE LOR HELP hela her so she can have excelelnt oxygen and circulation. She needs better circulation. She doest open her eyes heands cramsps seizure. Please LORd she needs helaign PEase LOrd Pleas epray and also all my family too and all peopel. Pelase give your saltion to allpeopel have mercy and thanky ou Lord Jesus Christ for you are the Great Physician. True gOd and eternal LIFE: Pleas epray for my grandmas helaign and salvation and for my family helaign and savltion.Thanky oU for oyur prayers God bless you forever