Beloved of All
Our Father in Heaven (that I know You as Father through Christ Your Son);
Hallowed Be Your Name (Help me honor You in all I think, say and do);
Your Kingdom Come (help me hasten Your coming kingdom & represent it now w/ fruit, gifts, authority & Your manifest presence by the Holy Spirit);
Your Will Be Done on Earth as it is in Heaven (that I know & do Your will gladly & constantly: Your will be done in my life Here in the Land of the Living & forever in a glorified body);
Give Us This Day Our Daily bread (Grant finances & provision: spiritual, emotional, social & physical bread);
Forgive Us our Debts (May I enjoy forgiveness of sins);
As We Forgive our Debtors (May I grant the kindness I have received willingly to others; let no bitterness develop);
Lead Us Not into Temptation (protect me from sin, deception and compromise);
Deliver Us from the Evil One (I request protection from hurt, harm, injury, sickness, sin & sa_tan & all his servants);
For Yours is the Kingdom (Your Kingdom is an everlasting kingdom which shall put an end to all the other kingdoms, (Dan 2:44, 4:3);
Your is the Power (it is omnipotent (Dan 7:14, Matt 28:18);
And Your Glory is Forever (the whole earth is full of Your glory will cover the earth as the waters cover the sea (Num 14:21, Hab 2:14, Rev 21:1), in the Name of Jesus, Ruler of all these things, Amen.
Hallowed Be Your Name (Help me honor You in all I think, say and do);
Your Kingdom Come (help me hasten Your coming kingdom & represent it now w/ fruit, gifts, authority & Your manifest presence by the Holy Spirit);
Your Will Be Done on Earth as it is in Heaven (that I know & do Your will gladly & constantly: Your will be done in my life Here in the Land of the Living & forever in a glorified body);
Give Us This Day Our Daily bread (Grant finances & provision: spiritual, emotional, social & physical bread);
Forgive Us our Debts (May I enjoy forgiveness of sins);
As We Forgive our Debtors (May I grant the kindness I have received willingly to others; let no bitterness develop);
Lead Us Not into Temptation (protect me from sin, deception and compromise);
Deliver Us from the Evil One (I request protection from hurt, harm, injury, sickness, sin & sa_tan & all his servants);
For Yours is the Kingdom (Your Kingdom is an everlasting kingdom which shall put an end to all the other kingdoms, (Dan 2:44, 4:3);
Your is the Power (it is omnipotent (Dan 7:14, Matt 28:18);
And Your Glory is Forever (the whole earth is full of Your glory will cover the earth as the waters cover the sea (Num 14:21, Hab 2:14, Rev 21:1), in the Name of Jesus, Ruler of all these things, Amen.