Beloved of All
pleas pray God heals my grandmas evisn arterie san dprais ereport: thnak oyu Lord hav ehelaign form diabetes feelign better pelas epra yGod heals my dads heart valve os it works properly again and that he has plenty of oxygen pleas gpray that my granda is heale dan dand my mom and brothe r as well. pelas epray God provides for me a husband of my own. ioa christian man who is flehs of my flehs and boenfo my boen soemoen who need sme liek i need him. someone for ME and me aloen. i pray God pelase send mroe help to me an dmy fmialy. take awayo ur depresison Lor dbe glorfied. please take away htis depression brign helaign to our fmailypelase int he name of the Lord Jesus Christ. thanky ou for oyur prayers. also pleas epra yi ahve enoguh strnght ot clean hous ecare fo rmy granda and not be bitter that i m not maaired and dotn have kids. ive ben so lonel yit hurty. pelase God make a way fo rmye to be happy too.pleas ehelp my fmaiyl .a nd help my da dout of homelessness. Lor dplease od someonthign great in our lives. jsut so tired of ftryign so hard. take away the devils powe rover me and my fmaiyl please Lord. Help i n the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.t pleas eprotec tmy fmaily form evil form temptaitons and protect and do all inyou power to sav ehal and help us protect us all my brothe rna dwife and children too form all unclena spitirs form accident deaht and clamity. Lor dtake awa yall jelousy i have. Lor dmeet me help me. leav eme not so lonley tha ti cry ofr decades please Lord no mro elonliness its enough pleas ehave mercy dont leave me so lonely. pleas eprovide for me a husnband who has ime for me and is with me d3wels wiht me ..pleas eno ungodl ystrage marriag for me pelas ehelp i can thandle bieng lonely please do somehtign abotut his Lor dim beg right ndo soemhtign i dotn want to be lonely andmore. pleas eprovide movinle bed for my granda now Lor dit sbbenn years havent lef tthe bed in year s grandas hasnt lef tthe been in years have comapssin send and angel now who can help. pelas egiv em an affordabel mobile bed if you are willign now. be lgorified all prais eglory honu irs soyur pelas epelas epelase pelase anser me anser me please procived for me. help me ive lost my joy. pelase intervene no delay i cant do this on my own be glorified bey helpign me hela me help me and my fmaily please and al ont his site hela thsoe who need helaign amke us whole lOrd and thank oyu In thenameof the lor djue scHIRS.T lORD PELASE GIV EME THE STRNGHT AND ENERGY AN MEOTIONAL sUPPORT. pleAse provide FOR ME ANDMY FMAILY THE EMOTIONAL SUPPORTS FRIENSDHSIPS WE NEED. PELASE ODNT LEAV EU SOS LAONE .. SEND KIND HEARTE DPEOPEL SEND HELP. PLEASE lOR DPLEASE DONT DELAY. I NEED yOU. IN THENAME OF THE lOR DJUES cHIRST.