Beloved of All
pleas peray god reveals to me who my husband to eb is and vice versa tha ti am his wif eformt he lr.d pelas elor dprepar eus ot be gother oson. hela us both make us whoel mentlal yphscially spirtually forgiv eus our sisns clans eus wiht oyur holy spirit make us after longign after oyur heart lord an dplease may your holy spirit powerfulyl brign me an dmy hsband to be together. prtoect us form coutnerfeit spouses make it clear who we ar ien christ flesh of an dbone of one another in chris thusband and wif emake this knwon to both of us thnak you lord. also hela my grandma form dmentia and all bowel disorders help em feed and clean her pleas ehla alla dental problems itn he worlds. pelase dleive rme my husband to be in chirst and our families of all sikcness an disease. guid eus wiht oyur holy spirit at lal times and make us obey oyu lord at al times. pelase also hela all our fmily me,ebrs give us your slavaiton lord jeus chirst and giv eus wisdom lif eneevr before. pelas egiv eus lov in oru hearts lor dlike neevr before. pelase give extrmely storgn attraciton between my husband otbe and me help us logn for eahc oother yearn and know we can tlive wihtut eahc other another da.y lord for your glory an dby oyur powe.r also slor dhepme clean house hygiene giv me strenght energy and foccus. ddlieve rmer form intrusive thoughts and give my husband a merry heart osund kmind power best job ever for him that helikes and gets lot sof money for the glor yof god and spends the money the way you want him to lord also for my dad an dall men too. help the men in the world ot be exceleltn providers and protectors of the owmen int heir lives. guid mento do oyur willa nd women to do your will too and th ekids too. hela al this sick today pleaese ressurect organs teeht dental flesh for all peopel. all prais glory and thnaky ou lord htnaky . protect me an dmy husband and our fmily form all vil. pelase keep my husband fiahtful to me and me to him. no counterfeigt souses pelase. pelase keep us faihtfula dn lovign eahcother. please hela my of depression and trust in you lor.d pelasemake my usband extra happy toda.y tell him i love him soo mcuh. you knw hwo he is. please deliver our union form everythign tha tis prventign us form beign togther tell us what that is and delive rus ofrm those thigns thank youlord. itn he naoemf the lord jeus chirs ti love you thnak you logod pelas ehal vilike his moma nd ister untie my parent isnholy matrimony by christ .lord let your slavaiotn coem to all today. protect lal form accidents deaht and please heal all inhostpital.s thank oyu lord.