pleas ewpray i can get alogn with my mom who has aspergers and she can get along with me as we care for my extremely extremely weak and starvign grandma. my grandma is bedridden and we are haivng an EXTREMLEY EXTREMLY hard itme feedign her or givign her to drink. SHe has small bowel obstruction syndrome and is EXTREMLY weak . pelas epray fo rher body to be healed. she has extreme muscle atrophy i am so heartbroken and all the tiem my mtoehr fights with me. im not allowe idnt he kitchin im not allowe dot feed my grandma only what she allows. it sis very hard because my mother has aspergers and i want to obeymy mother btu also of ocurs ie need to feed my grandma. we fight every day ALL day about bad i am. becaus eof her aspergers she cannot nececarrily read my grandma being sick and misinterprets me ALLL the time. every day is such a struggle. deep down iam hurtign because she couldnt read emotioanl facial expressions. sinc emy grandma cannot talk she thigks she is jsut sleeping. i c have any extremely difficult time tlakitn to my mom because she always has her back toward me. I am livign in a different coutnry i have absolutley no friends here. no one to talk to i.. i am trying to obey my mother and also oc are for my grandma who is literaly starving. I fee so so sad. THEir is constant fightign on wha ti am allowe dot give my grandma. since my mother is very foccuse don limited thigns to eat... i cannot fight for it anymore. im not allowe dot order other food. not allowe idnt he kitchin and she gives em orders all day every day do htis do that.. im exhausted and my grandm ais neglected. I have no idea what to do. I cannot commuinicat ewiht my mother. i am absolutley hear broken shattered. I Want to die right now. I NEED help na di have no idea why the Lord put in such a terrible situation. i have NO IDEA how to feed my grandma!!! their is NEVEr any time because my mmom gives me a htougsand different takst . i have diabeters. so does my grandm. i cannot follow the LOr dliek this.. I have no idea why he gave my mother aspergers but it compeltey destroyed ymy famiyl my life. I nEED help. I cannot obey my mother she is so rigid. so cannot coommunicate with her becaus eof aspergers. im so heartbriken. SOMEOEN PLASSE help me!! i have no O NO ONE. i cry out tot he LORD day and night but he WIll not hElp . THER EIS N O HOEP THER EIS NO HOPE AT LLL PLASE SOEMO HELP. my grandma is dying and I M SO FUICKED INT HE HEAED CAUS EIM SUPPOSED TO OBEY GOD OBEY MY MOMA DN I CANT EVEN GO INT HE KITCHIN. IM 32 YEARSA รOLD. I HAVE NO IDEA HOW TO OCMMUNICAT ETO MY MOMT HAT MY GRANDMA NEED SA SPECIFIC DIET.MY GRANDM AI IS A SKELETON SHE DYING AND GOD WONT HELP ME. I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT TO DO I WANNA DIE.MY WORST NIGHTMARES HAVE COEM TRUE SOEMBODY PELAS HELP ME. WHY DID GOT GIVE MY MOM SUCH STRONG ASPOEGRS. I CANNOT HELP MY MOMA ND CARE FOR MY GRANDMA LIFKE THIS I HAVE NO SUPPORT NO HELP I WANNA DIE SOMEONE PLEAS EHEKLLP ME AND MY DA DIS OVER SEAS AND HE IS VERY SICK!!! MY BROTHER HAS ASPERGERS TOO. I DONT HOW TO BE STRONG I ODNT KNOW HOW TO BE STRONG WHY LORD HAVE YOU DONE SO LITTLE TO HELP ME??????? why HAVE YOU DONT HTIS TO ME i wanna KILL MYSELF!!! SOEBODY HELP. WHJY DID GOD GIVE ME A MTOEHR WHO ASPERGERS????????? WHY?????? WHAT HAVE I DOEN TO DESERBVE THIS?????????? WHYT HAVE I DONE I HAVE COMEPLETLEY LOS TMY MOIND BECUAS EOF MY MTOEHR SRULES!!!!!! ONLY ALLOWED POTATOES TO EAT someBODY KILL ME i DOTN WANT TO LIVE THIS IS TOO HARD FOR ME I BEGH GOD EVERYDAY HEKLP ME PLEASE LOR DI NEED HELP WITH MY MOM I NEED HELP CARING FORYM GRANDMA I DONT WANT HER TO DIE CAU EICOULDNT FEED SOMEBODY PLEASEHELP I SEE NO HOPE AT ALL PLEAS EGOD HAS COMPELETEY FORSAKEN ME I BEGGED WITH ALL THAT I ASM TRIED SO HARD TO OBEY MY MOTHER I DONT HOW TO OBEY OSMEONE WHO IS CLEARLY DIASBLED+++++++++++ help me god i cant do thisw onmy own i have so mUANY HEALTH PROBLEMS DIABETES KIDNEY DISAEASE ALL MY STRENGHT IS GONE whY GOD THERE IS NO HOPE I HAVE NO FRIEND SNO FAMLY TO HELP NO ONE. NOBODY OT HELP I WANNA JKILLMYELF.