pleas eray for my grnadma Schnider VIlmosné to be heale dof dementia small bowel obstruciton syndrome athrescleorsis, severe muscle wastign adn that she is abel to have eycellent oxyen supply to her heart and brain. pleas epray she is abel to open er eyes and move again. pleas epray that she is dleivere dof all flesh eatign bacteri diabetes insipidus and all manner of isckness and disease. pelas epray fo rmy mom to be heale in her brain and her heart and tobe delivered fo perioditosis disease and all illness and isckness. plea sepray of rmy dad to have excellent ciruculaiton and blood flow and dleivere dfof too much insulin and fatigue. Lor dpleas ehal my of diabetes diabete sinsipidus and please give me the strgnth the power to do all the tasks i need to do.. please deliver me and my fmaily form all manne rof sikcnes and isease form poverty malnutriiton dehydration adnh igh blood sugar levels. dleive rus form all our fears form accidents and formt he deivl in every way. please giv eus all very strogn wisdom. i pray to this for all peopel as well. Lord pleas eprotec tmy who fmaiyl form evil. please protect my neic ein the womb. pelas keep her and her mother health ynad brother too. please prepare them for parnthood.pleas eprotect them form all eivl. Please also provide for all my needs Lord. Lord i nee dhelaign in my brian. deliver me form all flehs eatign bacteria. pelase dlieve rmy whole fmaily form felsh eaitgn bacteria. Lor dim so exhausted.Pleas ehelp me. ver yfsaigued have lot so f anxiety. Lor dneed you help. help me make my taks supr easy. please clear the way. make my paths stright give me strength. giv eme joy comfort and hope and help and d the same for all people. pleas eprotct al peopel in vehichles and form hot heat. pleas ehal the elderly and heal the sick. pelase give water excellent water electricity and and food ot al peopel. pelase heal my brother of histmaine intolerance. pelas eheal my depressiona nd dleiver my form excess uric acid and calcified arteries and all peopel too. pleas ehal my dads gout and please giv eme and my fmaily exceleltn health. help us to serve you Lord. dleiver us from all idols and false way. Lord hodl my hand i need oyr help and pelase do the same for all people. thanky ou Lord Please save all our souls with your Hoyl blood Lord Jeus . Please help me to serve oyu and giv eme hop please pleas ehelp my grandma eat mroe today help me go to the patika help me wiht all my taks. feel weak and sad and lonely.. please help me Lord. please thanky o. in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. please protect all peopel form all manner of sicknes and diseas eprotect us form the devil . please forgive us ou sins and lea dus not into temptation. Please Lor dims o tired. give me wisdom. Lor dhelp pelase. im strugglign. help. make it easy today. help me get garbage bags. Lor idm so overwhelmed already. Help me wiht my takss. Pleas ehelp me. PLEAse. Please. also im so tired all the time. help me in that area as well. help me do the diapers fo rmy grndma help me clean her feed her. pelase giv em strenght and dleiver me form diabetes and all evil. int he nam eof the Lord Jeus Christ. please strgnthen the heart sof my fmialy memebry. dleiver us form all demonic influence and posession.Please do al iny ourpower to give us life an dlife in abundance to my entire fmaily bloodlien and all peopel. Please save all peopels soul and pleas eno accidents . pelase dleive rhti sworld form all war fmaine pestilance form all deadly viruses and all sickness and disease.Lord Jeus Chirst help us find joy in you. please. ReplyReport