Beloved of All
pleas epray the mdeical report for ym dads heart an dlung sis positive and the Lord gives him eevrythign her needs to be healthy and whole in Christ our Lord in His name BY His stripes He is healed. Lord Jesus Chris ti pray htis over HIm.pleas epray for my grandma to be dlevere dof small bowel obstruction syndorme osteoposis and all damage to be heale idn ehr body and Lor dpelase forgiv emy cargiving short comigns help me give me wha ti need to be better caregiver. also hela my moms asperger syndorme for your glory nad my brothers histmian intolerance .pelas ehal Vilike of all illness and diseas eand please le tus see Hiim soon .pelas ehela His mom plea sie beg you also pelas ehla my moms heart. pelase dliever em and my fmaiyl form flehs eating bacteria. pelase save all souls. and pelas help my aunt an dher children. pleas egiv esalvaitona nd help tot he. pelase Lord unite me and my husband from You God if you have a husband for me. I pray OYu keep HIm safe happy healthy and finds mee too an and is evry much in love with me and God would want and vice versa. Please Lord dleivrer us form corona virus omnicrom delta all variations.please let their be no more perstilenc eint he world of any kidn pleas ehlp thos ein crisis earth quake. pleas eheal all the sick please regrwo flehs form sepsis pleas hela mye of type one diabetes insulin resistance all kidney damage dleive rme from lyme disease neuropathy vessel damge in hands and feet and derformed feet form diabetes . forgiv eme sisn and pleas ehal me for oyur Glor yLord Jeus Christ. please and thank you and pleas ehal and help all on this site provid eofr their needs for Your glory Lord Jeus Christ. Please dlieve rus all form all mental illness and all form all unclena spirits. dsave all lives. dleiver all lives form all fear troment and anxiety and form the eivl One please dleive rus form the enemy in every way. thank you Lord thnak You. please send Holy spirit to all people. pleas ehelp my da din every way all throghout the day. pelase aksing for y miracle to him body his heart lungs and body a miracl e int he nema of the Lord Jesus Chirst for him. a miracle for my moms body health brian blood and my grandma heart brian blood oxygen. Lor dof oxygen to her and to all int he nameof hte Lord Jeu Chirs. tmicale for Vilike heal him Lord Jeus Christ and ressurect Lord all teeth los tin peopel and organs cells. Please foru your glory resurect limby organs body itn he nameo fht rLord Jeus Chirst miracle in recreativ emiracle for all. thanky ou Lord for oyur bleesinng helaign slove and salavaiton thanky ou al for oyur prayers. thank you!!