Beloved of All
pleas epray the Lor Jeus Christ releases me and my fmaily from form every unclean spirit possible for His glory and by His power this includes dleiverance from all evil spirits including every spirit of anger unforgivneness resetment fear anxiety depression metbaokic disorders severe dehydration type 1 diabetes dlieverance form poverty generational curses deliverance of a ll flehs eaitgn bacteria gout dehydration .Lor dplease restore my teethmy broken teeth dleiverance ofrm metabolic acidosis.. pleas ehal me form head to toe inside out restor emy life dleive rme form all wickidness and every demon. Please also hela my grandma dleive rher form small bowel obstruction syndrome. Lord dleive rmef rom every unclean spirit of dissapointment. dleive rmy mother of asperger syndrome.Lord i need oyu to dleiver me form all mentla illness losing my quack. restore my desire to live Lord. please restor emy life please Lord dleiver me form all hidden illnesse isn my body deliver me form bowel disorders. Lord deliver me form all evil. Lor dpleas ei seek you also for you to heal my prents. dleiver them form al evil please give me and my fmaily wisdom dleive rus form follishness. please dleive rmy husbadn whoeve rhe He formt he Lord form all ucnlena spirits and the Lord Jeus Chirst brign us togehter for His glory. Lor ddeliver me form all evil by your POwer the power of oyur holy spirit. pleas eheal my grandma please dleiver her form dementi weakness parlysis allflehs eaitgn bacteir adleiver her form all dehydration malnutrition hernia heal all ruptured cells. pleas ehal me Lor dhelp me Lor di fight for my lif ei beg oyu with ym entire beign please dleiver me form all metabolic disorder please restor emy kidneys back to health please dleive rme form stress related beign undesired illness.Lor dpleas eocme to my rescue.please heal mye. i want to live. please Lord Jeus christ i come to oyu for life pleas eigve me and all peopel life andlfie in abunsandance. please remove form me ever yunclena spirit rulign ove rme . remov eme form demonic opsression please Lord Jeus Chirst remove all demonic opression inmy life. i pray for you to restore me to helath. pleas egiv eme sharp new teeth. pleas edleive rmy mom form alwqys complaign and ange.r pelase i would like to in a better environement. i need dleiverance form al evil all toxic people. Lor dyou knwo my life. pelase pleas eintervne in my life. i hand my life over to you. im at the end of my rope.Lord Jeus chirst please restor emy life dleiver me form type 1 diabetes deliver me form severe mal nutirtion dleiver me and my Grandé form ll strep flehs eaitngbacteri and mymom too and VCilike and my brother and dad and all peopel. pelase heal ___ teeth. i pray for powerful encounter wiht you Lord. speak to me help me. help me. Pleas ehav emerc adn compassion me. i want to live Lord i wnt to live the abudnant life you came to giv eme. pelas eresuce my life Lor dpleas erescue my life. Lor dplease inscrease my faiht in you Lord Jeus Chirst. Lor di ocme to you askign you to give__________ iggest birthda ymiracle. Lor dhela him giv ehim your slavation. Please delive rhim form all thnign stoxi. gv ehim and al peopelt eh joy you want tehm to ahve. pelas eotuch and restor ehis body. Please dleive rhimf orm all unclena spirit. please giv ehimt he lfi eoyu want him to have the joby you want him to have bless him abundanlty forever ever yare aof his life. in th enamoe fthe Lord Jeus christ. I pray that if oyu have ahusabdn for me Lord that oyu protect him form all evil. make him do oyur will at all tiems and rbig helaign ot al his flehs a merr yheart adn may he have the job you want him to hav.e pelase make his wise like solomon giv ehima love of rme like the Lord Jeus Chris tloves me may He love everyhtign baout me and vice versa. Lor di am weak. please sttrenghten me. Lord Jeus chirst have emrc yon me and heal me. Lor dJeus Chirst hav emercy on me and heal me Lor dJess chirst hav emrc yon em and heal me and ym grandma Lord av emerc yon me and hela my grandma Lor dhav emerc yon me and hela my mother sof asegers hela her brian and heart. pelase odtn let aspergers syndorm hurt me in any way shape or form. Lor dhelp me I nee dhelp pleas eiam soaloen pleas eLord no intursive htguths save me Lord Jes chirst. hav merc yon me Lord Jeus Chirst. plase hela me Lro djeus Cirst. please heal my teeht an dbody Lor djes cirst do the smae for al peopel: Lord dleiver me form all generaitonal curses and do the same for my whoel fmialy. Lor dahvame emrc yna dhela me of depression Lor dhav emercy have emrcy Lord haver mercy otuxh me Lor dJeus chris tpleas ei wan to live. Please Lord Jeus Crhsit revela YOurself to me. I nee dou. Please God. LOrd i want to live. please heal my tonsils dleiver me form all flesh eaitn bacteria. pleas eodnt el tm e hurtmyself wiht or defiel mysel for others.Please askign you for dleivernace aof all blood diseas es strep in my fmiayl. Lord ahve mercy pleas ehal my mother of aspergers snydorme. Lor dahve emrc yLor dhave merc ypelase od all inyour power to giv em em life an dlife in absuance and pelas eod this for al pleopel. Pleas eLord dleive rme form all instrucive thgiuths please hehelp em Lor dlcenahose. Lord dleiver em form stagnaiton depression hopelessness limitign OYu Lord odnt want . HNAve merc yi want o live please hela my bod yplease heal my of metbaolic acisdosis please regenrate my body so my blood suagar works properly pleas ehelp m dleive rme form all toxic peopel. Lor dhav emercy have merc ypleas ei want o live live. Lord i want to beeh ale dof all sickness diseas eand unclena spirits. pleas ehal my grandm aof al sicnes disease an dunclena spirits. Lord dleive rme have merxcy. Lor djeus chirs thav emrcy intervene in my life. come into my life. pleas ecoem into my lif ei nee do plea si am lost iwhtou LYOu Lord Lor dpleas ei ask yo tuj to ocme into my lfie i invite oyu Lor djeus Chirst i need oy Lord pleas ei beg oyu. the one who save dme form the demoyn YOu i invite youLord jeus cirs tinto my lfie. pleas epleas eocm einto mylife. i need you. please destory the workof the devil in ym body my mind my thoguths emotions.Rule over my emotions Lord dotn elt me rule ove rmy emotiosn you ruel voer them pelase Lord rule ove rme life please giv eme joy agian Lor di rpais eyou OYu ar emy dleiverer my Lord an dmy God. pelase make hate to help me . Iclal upont he namoe fthe Lord to help me in myhealth and every area of ym life. vian is the help of man. Lro djeus Chirs ti call upon you have emrcy i ask you to please make hste to heal me. i ask you to pelas ehal all my flehs for oyu rglory and by your power and pelas ehal all poeple of all disease and firgve out sins.LOr di ebg oyu with mye ntir ebeign pleas eocm einto my lfi eina freha greater way. plea se i ebg oyu Lor dsave me. Please I dont want any mroe flehs eatign bacteria .please i lov eyou PLease you for your helaign touches. i have oyu coem intomy lfi ebe wiht em i need you mroe than eve ri need oyu toocme intomy life. i need oyu to ocme intomy grandmas lia dn my moms life and dad slife and brother and Vilkia and all my neicghtbeour relatives all peopels lives pour out oyur hoyl spirit. pease need oyur dleiverance Lor id turnt o you with everyhtign that iam. i need oyur help. only you can help me. plea sieask you pleas eldieve rme form all satnaic powrs and htoguths and allevil. i need oyu i cry out to you. Pelas elor dJeus chirs ti pelas ereveal yourself to me. i thnakyou for your helaign for You. pelase protec tme and my whoel fmaily form all manenr ofe ivl. Lr di nee doyu ot pleas ehelp me. i seek oyu with all my heart. pleas eodnt el tthe deivl eat me. dleive me form te deivl. dleive rme moind my thogth semitontiosn emtlaly phycially andin every way form the deivl. Lor dsav eme. i cry out to you i pray this for al poepl. Please dothis for my usband as well. lor dhav emrcy iam a sinen rhave osmpasison on me. pelase !!!