Beloved of All
pleas epray that we findf avor wiht the Lor docncernign getting a diaper and medi drink perscription form the head physician form the hospital. pelas epray the Lord doe sall in His power t by His Holy Spirit and trillions of Holy angels to give my grandma the best of the best care needed for her healign and that she gets the nurtion and compelate helaign and dleiverance of al ilnness from our Lord and Savior the Lord Jeus Chirst. pelas epray the phone works that we can read the physican of the hsopital wihtout delay thta we get teh best easiest perscription for diapers so we d no hve to g o the hopistla ourselves or anytwhere but it wil be on our felhö account for Schnieder viomosné.Lor dintercede wiht oyur holy blod pelase send Your holy spirt before us to the physicians to do all int heir powert o giv eus the easiest accessible best priced diapers wiht no hassel or inconvenience to our part. need OYur help Lord.please do al iny oru power to guide also my mom with her words by YOur holy spirit. remove everythign out of my mothe rthat may cause her to stumble be dcieved. pelase rmeove lal unclean spirit anyxiety fear sout of her life forever. and the the same ofr al peoel. Please restore. pelase let their be jsutice to thos epoepl who need diapers bt do nto get it becaus eof unfair practices. pelase Lord fight for my grandmas rights forgiv em sisn. heal al int he hosptal save al th sousl int he world. Please help the physciants to help us in anyway you want then to Great Physician. By Your stripes we ar ehaled thank you Lord. OYu are the great Physciain. pelae hela al those who are isck. pelase dleiver us all form codi and also from wars famines . guide every single person by YOur Hoyl spirit toda.y only let us think what oyu want us to think, hear what you want us tohear and sopeak what you want us to spekak. pleas edliever all the opressed formt heir opressors. please dleiver us all frm all forms of demonic or satanic opression by OYur Holy blood beirn g dleiverance t us free dom in Christ to do His will wihtout any opposition formt he enemy whatsoe evr Lord pelase giv eus pelank and med dirnk perscr. pleas eno misunderstnaignd between peopel at al today pelase let htie rbe peace in all relationships today and no misunderstanignds.aalsking for oyur favor Lor diwht the physicians togiv eus what my grandma needs perscriptions on our accoutn that you want her to have wihtout delay hassel or and hundrance or oposition form the enemy. make eevrythign souper easy smooth and wiht no stumblignblocks. Pleas ehlp the physicians do OYur will. force them to do OYur iwll Lord and help them giv ehtem your slavation adn brign heaign to them and dleiveranc eint heir lives whre nedded. i pray this for lal peopel too. Al glory and praise goes ot OYur Lord Jeus christ.