Beloved of All
pleas epray of rme i dont hav meuch fiaht but im askign GHdo to give mee my own husband someoen who love sme inm lery lonely and tired. im gogin to be 34 in octorber. i would my ownhusband someoen w who would dfind . God forse my husabdnf rom your Lor dot find me and marry me i really jsut odnt want to be aloen anymore. i ts hurts oo mcuh. plase also pra yi have th estegnth to help my mom who has apsergers and my grandma bedridden for year.s i am so lonely an dos exhasted an di would liek to be heale das wel of al dentla dn diabetes insipidus and type 1 diabetes. the lonlines sis excrusicaitngly painful. i jsut fdont knand th refatigue. i have recived so much helign on my dentla flehs an di prais ethe Lor djue Chirs toforever. pelase Lord help me to keep ogign thnak oyu al for oyur prayers our God is good. im jsut so lonely haven tlef the hous ein years i feel so incredibly controleld by my mother. and always jsut resposibilites i nee dmroe joy in my life and streght. i dont have firend is dont have churhcim a foreign country my grndmaa need shealing im so tired. ims o i dont knwo whwat i deserved to be this lonley but it hsurts i cry so mcuh. every perosn should have their own mate. i dotn knwo why its tkaign so logn btu im so hurt i m so diaspointed tha tmy mom ( and anothe rrelativ ehas aspergers) thim so heartbroken i hav eno idea what to do about this hearbroken diassapointment i dotn kwno waht to do . the Lord help me Jeus . why is lif eos hard so lonel yi m so tire s fo ebign aloen its awful. whoy do i have ot be aloen all the time i can thandle itnaymroe i dotn wan to be aloen Lor djue sChirs it dotn want to eb aloen anymor epelas ehar my cry please Lor dJeus Chirst make a spouse fo rme to eb wiht me im loenly an di cnanot see oyu Lor di cannot find comanionship. Pelase no oen even looks at me for year.s i m hurtign pelas elor dhelp.. ! please also ive been separated form my dad for year is msis hIm Lor dwhy am i no trbale to see HI. why do i always have ot be so aloen . Pleas elor id cnt do this shwo me how. i t snto abotu forgivness.. pelas eims o sloenly GDO PLEase do all iyn oru power ot bles sme wiht a spous eof my own wholove sme an di lvoe himf or the rest of my lfie soemoen i cna be i dotn want to be aloen anymore. pleas ien thenameof the Lord Jeu sChirs thelp my unebofi i beg oyu pelas ehal my form thislonlienss i dotn liek my life. its hard and i dotn want o be always tuck in the house clenaign iwant to get out iw ant to live Lor di want to live pelas egive me a lfie i can live give me a life wher ei wake up and enjoy life ive me aabudnan life pelas ei bag oyu Lord an dhela my and dleive rme form al evil den demons and do the same fo rmy fmaiyl. PLas ei cannto do this aloen anmore PLEAS IE BEG YOU iodtn want to be aloen anmore!!!