Beloved of All
pleas epray my fmaiyl is dleivered of all evil spritis our hoem and property. tha tthe Lor dpleas ehelp me im really downa dn would like helaign fom type 1 diabetes adn dleiverance from all flehs eaitng bacteria. same ith my grandma pleas epray the Lor dhealy my dads hear tvalve and ym brothers heart murmur and heal my grandma form all sickness and diseas edemntia.. Lor dpleas help em.... help me to keep fightign. pelas ehlp my Fathe rGod i am so tire. pelas ehlp em care for my grandma..also i would liek a husbadn form you God. if .. is my husbadn make it clear . i would lieka husbadn who really wants to be one with me and the Lord make sits so accoridng to His perfect Will. Lor dim tired and weary. help me please intervne like neve rbfore. my grandma deserve sbetter care. pelase ims o tired. please restor eer to excellent healh. please send trillions of holy angels to ministe rot me grandma parents. pelas Lor dhela my mom of asperger syndorme. i pray fo rthe slavaiton of all my fmialy members and all poeple. Lord please dleivr the walls form bugs. please touch all my relative and heal them mentally physcially meotionally spiritualyly nd their will please also do this fo rmy husbadn form the Lord. i i alo pray my grandma is dleivered of all flehs eatign bacteria al infection small bowel obsturcitond elivered of demtnia forver healed whole by the Lord Jeus Christ for HIS glory Lor dhela her kidneys her heart lungs and protect her form all evil. pelase remove al pest form our home. ptoect our fmaiyl and our property our famiyl from all eivl. pelase heal Vilike protec thImf orm all evil giv ehimt he bes tlif ever abundant life hela his mom and sister. help him in every way use him greatly for oyur glory. please provide for the needs of all my fmaily memebr financially emotional needs frindship with godly frieds need needs wihting the hcurhc and all needs. pelase Lor dif my husband is not saved husband form th Lord make my husband a born agian Chirstian... whever htis man is.. Lor dmake sure oyu are th eone tha tjonins us. nos trang eungodly husbadn for me pleas.e dleiver me form all tmeptations. if :: is not my husband please STOP our itneractions. need oyu to confirm who is my husbadn Lord form YOu Lord Jeus Chirs.t heal my grandma heart. Lor dheal me of mentla illness adn my teeth.. pleas ehal all peoples teeth . please ressurect broken misisng teeht in peopel. please giv emy fmaiyl husband,.:: and all peopel who need dentla miracles please ehal al people pleas emirculoulsy heal al who needs helaign new teeht organs limbs.. please ressurect my family in every way Lord Jeus Chirst resserect us with oyu life savign life givign power LOrd Jeus Chirt in your name i pray wiht YourHOly blood to cove rmy sins. please help me to hear oyur voice clearly today ad the righ ttone.. no mor misintepretaitons.. pleas ehlp em Lor dim soo tired..