Beloved of All
pleas epray for Shcndier VIlmosné complelte recovery and restoration by our great Physician the Lord Jeus Chirst. please pray this aldso for lal my fmialy memebrs. Lor deliver us form sebsis flesh eatign bacteria dn bacteria that feed off sugar and fermented sugars. pleas eocmpeltles deliverbmy entire fmaily members on all sides form al metbaolic disorder sand alse deliver us all form evrery single evil bacteria and the root cause therof. please save ufs Lord Jeusw Chirs.t dleive rmy whole fmaily fmrom osteoporosis and heal our body. for Your glory all becuase of the Lord Jeus Chirst. al becuas eof Him. His sacrifice for us. pelase and od the same for all peopel Please Lord thank YOu For praying thanky oUlrod for heairng our prayers