Beloved of All
pleas epray for my brother who is az the dentist for miracle helaignof his teeth that no evil happens at the dentist Lord Jeus Chirst be with HIm. also pelas ehla my grandam she relal ny need shelaign otuch her Lor dalso please help with today Lorfd may the wisit with my brother sister in law baby and whoever be amazign mriacuouls heand of HGod Holy spriit be wiht us. maKE MY MOM HASPPY PELA EAN DHELP MY DA DMGIV EUS MEERR YHEART.S PELASE OTUCCH MY BROTHER SATEEHT lORD jEUS cHIRS TBE WIHT THE DENTIST ASSISTAN. NOACCIDENTS OR DANMGE TO MY BROTHERS TEETH lOR DBE FORCE THEM TO DO OYUR WILL GIV THE DNETIS WISDOM ON DSEND HOLY ANGEL TO MY BROTHER PLEAS EgODHELP MY MOMS TOP COMPALNG PEASE lOR DHELP EM STAY cALM ADN CAR OF RM YGRANDMA PELASE HELP MY MOM STOP COMPALOING NOW PELASE OPELASE lORD TELL HER ITS ENOUGH PELASE!