Beloved of All
Dont give up. Praying for you! You are loved!pleas epray for me i am desparate forthe Lord ot help me. i just feel so unloved and so tired of giving . i feel empty and always fightign illness. i am carign for my grandma. i just feel so unloved so aloone so alone.God where are oyu. i feel so alone for o amyn years. Lor dplease intervenen in my life in a major way. i want to experience your love. i need to feel love din my life too. pleas ehelp pleas help me wiht my tasks. Lord i feel so heavy for so many years please come to my rescur ei mean this with all my hear tint he name ofthe Lord Jeus Christ. take away this fear depresion tormetn and heal my fmaiyl and dleiver my fmaily Lord Jeus Chirs ti cry out to you please pleas hear this prayer and o somehtign to help me. i am so deprssed please i beg you!!