Beloved of All
pleas epray fo rmy grandmas healign of dementia blood suga rissues skin tags skin issues deformed hands and feet. Lord giv eme wisodm as er caregiver concernign all her issues pelas eha l them all hela her hernia small owle obstrsution syndorm help em fee her clean er give her more space in he rbowels. dleive rher form all felsh eating abcteria. pelae heal me of severe dsiissapoitnemnt depression metnal illnes due to my teeht. pelas Lor dthanky ouf or helaign my body pelas eocntinu eto fully heal my body my issue soyua re wel aware of pelas ehal my body type diaebtes. nto feelign love dor desired take away. pleas eprivde me my wonhusadn who will lov eme liek you do chris tand whom iw ill love liek i lov eoyu Lord. soemoen trully willignt o die for me .. giv ehis life to em and me to him. ipra yo estbalicht he unon of my bone of boen flehs of flesh my ver yown adman adn His very own eve me. do all in your power to join me witht he flehs of my flesh boen of my boen and let nothign no one ever separate us or keep us apart nto even ourselve . dleiver btoh of us form all evil. make us equally yoked following hard after christ and dleiver us formall stanic power witshccraft geerational curses. heal andour fmailies. pelase ehal us mentlay physicall emotionalyl sexially al our rogans teeth boens felsh pelase Lord JesuChris. pelas emake our union breathtakigningly roantic and pure love form God ebtween each other. may we be so incredibly ONE that we cna read each others htoughts and may my husbadn formt he Lord always protect me provide fo rme may i eagerly happily excitedly subit mto Him lifke the Lord. becuas ei trust the Lord. Lord please reveal yourself ot all my fmaily memebrs anfd my hsubadn formt he Lord :Lor dpleas eprovid eof orur needs and restorue ours souls. Lord dleive rme otu of this deep depressiona dn may i see oyur light. pelas ehal Vilike neurlogically my grndma my mom and brother hela him . pelas ehal my brian too whateve ris wrong with all bodies please restore permantly int henamfo ehte lord Jeusc Chirst-