Beloved of All
pleas epray fo rmy grandma to be heale dof small bowel obstruction syndorme. Lor dhave mercy brign healign to her bowels. please dleive rher form blood sugar issues.pleas ehela her for your glory. please do all iny our powere to help Schnieder Vilmosné not have trapped waste or bowel obstruction or blockages of any kind int hename of the Lord Jeus hirst.pleas eotuch and remove sickness and infirmity form her int he nam eof the Lord Jesus Christ pesae compeltle dleiver her form demtntia compeltley dleiver her form the cause therof may the love of the Lord Jesus Chris this grac emercy and by His stripes heal ScCHNEIDER vILMosné Lor di aks that oyu remov all blcokaes from hher sphncter . dleive rher form trapped waste and gases please restore her health .please let oyur love abundantly flow through her body the powe rof your holy spirit be strong and i thank you for healig my in so amyn way sna beign our healer. Lord please restore Schneider VIlmosné ackt o health for ther prais eand glro yof oyur name .pelase cencel the enemie plas over her life. comeplte remove the enemy form ehr life and and fill ehr with your Lif eord Jesus Christ. give her lfie pelase today. pleas ealso giv emy whoel fmaiyl lfie an dlfi iife in abundance. Lord please heal ont his site Lord give them your salvation in area area of their lives and give your salvation eternally. Please brign salvation to us all in every area of life. reddem us formt eh power of the devil in every way.LOrd all glroy and Honoru go to YOu. thank you.