Humble Servant of All
urgent pleas epray fo rmy grandma Schcnider Vilmsné for her salvation and he blood pressure circulation oxygen demncia and blood problems eyes .. she doest open her eyes. she is bedridden does not open her hands and toes. her spine is very difformed slipped disk. rods in hips. Plear pray God aligns her body to be perfectly healed by the stripes of the Lord Jesus Christ for His Glory by His power. thank you. Please pray she is healed compeltely of all health issues y the Lord Jesus Christ and is able to have proper bowel movements .that my mom DOES NOT GIve her too much sugar or too much fluids at once as her blood pressure sky rockets and she has small bowel obsturction syndorm due to deformed body her spine is sticking into her bowels byut my mom does not understandt this. Please pray i can communicate wiht my mom.an grandma and all are healed of osteorpsis and renal problems neurdegenrative problems. she cannot get wast eot. Please God help her she is so ill. thank youf or praying. also please pray of rme im goign out to drop off a ver yimportant docement please pray it is accepted and no problems please plray i can tak eout money easil and also if needed buy lotto. pay bills to pharmcy and get garbage bags. im anxious and need God to help me wiht my tasks. Please pray Gdo removes all fear and dleivers me form all evil spirits and does all in his power to help me with my tasks. HOly spirit empower me like neevr before NEed you HElp Lord God almighty. Lord also prtoect me formt he corona virus and alll evil. cover me with your Hoyl blood. Lordcover my mom and grandma wiht oyur Hoyl blood and bring helaing to themsalvation. Lord give my mom wisdoma nd please heal my dad gouts and heart and my grandma heart all peopels heart.g ive us meeryy hearts Lord Jesus Christ. hela my grandma please.a slo hela all my mouth and kidneys please. remove tumour form me if i have it please and pleaese alsoform all peopel. pelase rmeove all flesh eatign bacteria. form all people. brign helaign tot he sick help poor and needs. help my fmaily in every way. thanky oU lord. I thank God for all my brothers and sister sin christ. Hope you all have ablessed day. thank youf or oyur prayers. love oyu all in Christ