Beloved of All
pleas epray fo rmy fmaily to have 100% compelte deliveranc eincluding myslef form all evil spirits forver. please Lord Dleive rmy enitre fmaily and mysle fform all unclean spirits. force ous to repent quickly and wihtout gettig us ourselfves into sin.pleas edlieve rme form lustful thoguhts towards wanitgn a husband. pleas ehla my grandmda Lord form all sickness diseas blod pressur eheadach pain bowels digestion . hela her please Lord Jesus CHirst . pleas ehal my dads spinal fracture for oyu rprais eand glor Lord Jeus Chirst. brign your salvation to my whole fmialy and all people. pelas egiv elalpeople adequet nutrition and water that is easily deposite din al lfehs. pelase haehal kidneys bowels brian skins, teeth all flesh by the Holy stripes of the Lord Jeus Christ. thanky Praises and Glory ot Himforevr. forgive our sisn pelas ehave mercy an dhelal flesh. pelase dleive rus form pestilence covid all evil. pelase forigve our sisn teahc us your ways. pelase dont elt us die in wilderness. dont elt us provok you limit you or flasley worship yu with lying heart isnt he name of the Lord Jeus CHrist. pelas ehelp menot to pollute your sabbaths ever again.lord help em nto to covet. please dleive rme form lusitng for anythign. at. all. help me to find my lvo ean djoy in you serving you and You alone. please tkae away all my idols by tongiht if you are WIllign Lord Jeus CHirst.pleas egive me excelelnt communication between all people. guid eme and lal people wiht oyur holy spirit todo what you want us to do. Please prepar eus for your comign and please forgive and clenase us form all sin with oyur hoyl blood. i need you to guid eme concenrign your Holy blood. i apply it onmself and all peopel .please destory the works of the deivl and the workks of the flesh ( devil serving) compleltey in all people in the nam eo fthe Lord Jeus Christ. please bring justice to the widows poor and needy. please make us all do oyur WIl today. help to honour your sabbath and do what is right in Your sight. help us to stay commited fully devoted to serving You only Lord. please remove my interest in my own dreams '00%. please hel p my mothe rin every area of her life. pleas eif oyua re willign please i feel controlled by peopel. No more bullies pelase Lord i dotn knwo how to handle bullies or controllign peopel. i need help how do i submit to authortiy thyΓt oipress me and hrut me ? help me kto endure the pain of the cross but at the same time do not lea dme into temptation but dleiver me form all evil in the nam eo fhte Lord Jesus Chruist. pleas efill my disere to be lvoed. i want to experinec eYour Love god almighty so i can feeed off your lOve deeply. in the nam eof the Lord Jeus Chirs ti pray this for all people.