Beloved of All
pleas epra ymy Grandma helaht to be restore dby the hands of God . Lord Jeus Chirst hela her circulaiton blood pressure bloos suagr bacterial infecoitn issues and do the same for lal peopel. to open her eye talk have proper bowel movment sno mroe Years logn diarreaha a mriacle form the Lord Jesus Christ no more diabete sinsipdus or type 1 diabetes for both of us and al poepel. hela my Mm Lor dof asperger syndorem and my uncle neurlogicaly an every way. Lord hela me and my fmaily form crushe dspirit deive rus ofrm generaitonal curses. Lor id feel driane dnad empty. please forigve my back lashing. pelas eprovide clenaing suplies i woudl liek 3 hand held wet dry vaccum cleaners i would elike a long push broom and microfiber pads for it best clenaign supplies cheap and Lor dpelas eprivd eme a watch audo bibl e ad husband form oyu Lor dwiht our own hme i cna mangae and feel well love dby my hubby no stress and no bad behavior but love between us until oyu tak eus home. Lor di need helpw ith clenaing type 1 diabetes clenaing my grandma changin diapers. give me energy. iwoudl liekt o see theusn again. i feel helpess in my situaiton cua sie dont have the energy and i have coorna phbia. pelas eproivid emro etiem for relaxign. pelas eim so exhausted always laways stressed an di im tire dof it. Lor di odnt knwo how to live good life like. this have emrcy and ligheten my load somehow please. please !! please dlieve rmy dad form homelssness pelase iv ehim a pension . pelase giv eme my own indepdant life my own hoem my own husband please Lor dplease also giv em ymother the help she needs i am too tire dot help her. pelase help her Lor dim so tired pelase also do all iny our power to help my grandm and my uncle dad and my hubby form the Lord. please hela p us do oyur Will. pelase make this day happy one im so tired. iPLEASE pelase dleive rmy fmaily form edmeony pelas ehav emer iy plead you hoyl blood upon mysel fm yhubyb formt he Lor dmy fmaiy all relative pleas eprotec tu sformt he devil and bring helaign int our hearts lives and homes. provide all food water clothign shalter. pelas eno more homelssnes fo rmy da.d PLEAs eprovide him a hoem where he is warm safe and God send someoen and angel to help himw ith his life his pension. please also send an angel to to help my mom cheer her up be her friend. im too tire Lor dhave emrc yim too tired an dworn out please please sne dme help too. i dotn want to be so burdend and inm tired. pelase God refresh me im tired i reall am help me Lor di really lonely fo r so logn have emrcy. pelase tksae away my lonlines sgiv em miracle strenght to car eofr my grandma an dPLEASE GIVE MY MOM A good mood pelase hela her brian teeth infeciton help her to eat eathy make wise deicsiosn .dliever her form all impure lyign spirits. give he rhope in YOu Lord. Lord PLEASe od soem miralc ein her life today and my dads.pelas eprotect them from accident calamits illness. heal thie rteeht. hela my dads insluin recption restroe my parent soyuth like the eagles adn my grandma soto. heal Bs tteht. protec thimf orm evil. help him Holy spirit hela HIm lor dwher eher needs helaign. dleive rhimf orm witschcraft. Lor dif oyu have ahusband for me. i ask you giv ehim to em lif ke a gift. becuas ie dotn wanna prove my worth to any man. im tire dof waiitng an dim discouraed i dont have a lto fo eergy. Plea shelp emserve oyu you Lord. unti oyu tak eme home. please im so lnel yit hurts. pelase end my,lonliness. it shurts all the time. Please ord i jsut odtn wanan thurt form lonliness anymore help me in this area,. help em to trus touy keep serivng You lrod dleive rme form anger and resntmt . pelas hela my kidneys pelas heal my type diabetes metbaloc acisdiso scosntant sress. hirsutism. pelas egiv em life an dod the sma efo rmy grandm amom da dbrother. pelase hela my brother form histmiane intoleranc ehelp him eat loooots of food wihtout and fear dleive hrimf orm allergies. pleas ehal his body teeth dehydration hep him stay hydrated adn all of us giv eus oyur Holy spirit pour your wliivn wate rinto my fmaiyl. destory the works of the devil. pelase sned an angel to ecnourage me i feel discouraged and alen too mcuh aopposition always alone please sne dhelp. please gv eme some help im so tiredhabve mercy plase help me order help me find clenaing uspplie sigv emer enery im tirepLEAS EHELP LROD IMS o tired. i feel alone pelase help me and my fmaily. pelase fix healtign tak way mould take away poverty take away lonliens and depresison. please giv em soemhtign to look forward to today. pelase giv emy fmaiy mery heart an dme too. im so tire dpleas ehal my body m soul my life. pleas emy refuge Lor dplease do soemhtign to help i beg ouy . also dleive rlal shw had addicitons like alchahul smokign drungs. pelas ehal restore lal marriages that ar eboekn which oyu have ordained. pelase deivneme proct my husband form trang ewoman and ma yhe bne the man you want HImt o be Lord an dme the woman you t me to be . join us by your Holy spirit . ma yoyu haev the glory and prais ean dhonur may he tryuly ove me and by yblessing my life not a hurtful man who only care about clenaing.. or his own self. in the nameo fthe lor djeu sCirst. no strang eor ungodly marriage o rme. Lor dhelp kme preapere this home for when oyu come i will nto be ashamed. giv em all the best best top cleniang supplis bes tof everyhitng for my my hubby formthe lor dofr lalpeopel. please destory the root caus of coorna virus.pelase giv em clear dirextiona nd LOVE Lrd. ims tarivng rlove giv em the love i need ot keep goign. giv em yme oyur love. give me oyur love oyur presense. im lonely help other who ar ein the sam eposisiotn giv ehiop eto the hope less. pelae giv em an audobible. pelase fix all drianage issues. pelase gic eme a hose for th backyard. please giv em alatex clothign please take away coorna virus take awa dementia form my grandma take away high blood uagr high bloos pressure take away aspergery syndorme in my fmaily and gnetics. hela our brians Lor dhela all mtbalic disorder. destory all that i destoiyng me and my fmaily and my ubyy and his fmaily. destor yth works of the deivl to the prais ena dlgor y of oyur name. guid eem into al truth who are YOu Lord. whoa re yíou and who am I thank you int henameof the lor djue sHCir sit opra.y also pleas ehall all those hwo are ill and PLEASEhelp the caregtiver have the strgnth motivation pwersistanc eot keeep praying to keepe seekign you to accept yur WIll for them. help the careivers care care for them too. pelase pelas epelas.e inpelas hela the elderly . ressurect the dead. hela our hearts Lor dlal oof oyur hearts. please send help to thos ehwo need it. pleas and odnt let the deivl steal ooor kill or destor yanon e.pelas ein thenamoe fthe lord Jeus Chirs ti plase dhim holy Blodo. Lor dod al iny ur powee to join me and my husabdn to ebcoem one flesh in your appointed tiem an dmay it be a huge blessign to both of us not anyhtign bad at all. thnak you Lord and may we glorfy and belss oyur holy name. please devinmely protec tm ym husbands life form the deivl and bless him in every are aof his life. ma yhe worship and serv eonly the ture God and eternal life. may hebe good to me all his life. ma yhe protec tme an dlvo eme unconditionally. and vice versa. may we never ever commit adultery agaisnt oen another not even in our hearts. may you make us one lor dnto separat ein anthign thnak you Lor dinthenamoef the lOr djues Chirst. no division between me and my usband . please giv emy fmiayl peac euntiy love in Chirst. protectionf ortm eh deivl. PLEASE giv em and my mom a healthy happy reaitohsip pelase hela my dad emotionally and ddriv eourt al the dmeosn out of him. send triillion yo holy angels all the tiem to keep him safe warm and protected form all evil. hela his heart valve and deiver himf ormt he root cause therof. hela mymosm ehar heal her ciruclaiton please help her quit suagr. please take away her desire for unhealthy foods pelas hela her midn willa dn emotins please hlet her experience oyu love and miracouls powe irn her livfe. pelase giv eher oyur slavaiton for my dad too smae thign my brother nyd grandma uncle andn reative any my hubby and his fmaiyl to. please giv b merr yheart helahis teeth and dleive rhimf orm alld emonsaddicitons ungodly habits and unclena spirits or djue sChirs tuy have the vicotryyou ahev the prais ean douy have the glor.y please forgiv em sins. please PLEASE help me today i ned you o much. pelas eprotec tmy dads unclena spirits keep him well hydrated same wiht lal poepel. pleas ehla al who have had strope r neurlogivcla damae. pleas hela my randma form all enurlogical damage. pleas ehal m pyschologically. relas eme form aner depressen resnemtne tlOr please pelase realse my momf ormt he tthese htigns my dad and all poel. please hal ym fmaiyl emotionally. mak eus united in christ hela us all pelas.e ord by your holy Blodo help us hela us make us whole. Lor dthnak yu itn henameo fthe Lord Jeus Chirst please also hela al who have gentic diseases. dleiver us all form generaitona gentic curses. giv eme a wise an dunderstandign heart adn power ocurgae streth and understanding on what to do always. please put guard over my hear lis mind htoughts and do the same for lalepoel. mayake us do oyur WIlltoda yhelp us enjoy doign your WIll Lor.d thnak yoint hename fothe Lord Jeus Chirs it pra.y pelase giv em more trenght an dmotivaiton encouragement love support hugs Lor dhtnka oyu in thenamoe fthe Lord Jeus Chirs it pray htis fo rlal peopel.