Beloved of All
pleas epra ym grandma Schnieder Vimosné be healed by the holy Stripe sof the Lrd Jeus Christ. that the Lord heal her form head to toe and heal her form small bowel obstruction syndroem alignment issues deliverance form dementia flesh eatign bacteria blood sugar issues. gout and kidneys briana nd heart problems be healed by the Holy spirit as well. Lor dmay Your holy spirit breath lif einto my grandm ain a fresh new way. thank yu for YOur healign. Pleas egvie her your salvationa nd help me care for her . giv eme wisdom on how to help my mom and grandma. pleas ehal my mother of aspergers syndorme. help us get along. giv em fmaily your salvation as well as for my future husband and his family . please prpare me for my furutre husbadn and prepar himf ro me . help us find each other but may it be all for Your Glroy and only by the power of oyur holy spirit. please heal my furute husband and heal his fmaily of al illness and sickness. pelase hela all peopel inthe world. please restor emy fmialy to perfect health and help us to be the poepel you ccreate dus ot me. pelas ehal my dad of osteoporisis insulin and blood suagr problems. pleas ehal his hear tlungs and ankles. pelase remove all unclean spirits form my entire fmaily blood lien. pleas eprotec tus form accidents form hdeath adn please restore what the the enemy has stolen destroyed and killed in our lives. please ressurect us back to perfect health. giv eme wisdom on how to prray . i ask for forgivness for my sisn adn for lusitgn after wha tis not mine. giv em wisdom in oyur will for my life Lord . please also help em clena hous emotivtate me like bevernefore. motivate me to care for my fmaily better. please also if me and oyu know who ar enot husband and wife pleas emak eit clear to me. iPlease shwo me who oyu want me to marry and HIm too. pelase be the foundation of our love and family. eb the foutdaiton for all peopel. pleas ehal the sick and restroe and regrow limby seeth flehs. pelase destroy the work fo the devil int he whoel world. help us repend and cleave to YOu Lord. please dliever em formt he love of money form all idolatry. have emry and please hela my kidneys diabetes and do the same for lal people. please heal my brother form histmaien intolerance compeltley and help hima nd his wife with their marriage and baby daughter .. surround them with trillions fo holy angel minsitering to them the gospel of our Lrd Jeus Christ and helping them in their lives. i als pray this for all people. please protect all people form all eivl and lead us not into temptation. help usknow your Will and do oyur Will at all times. thanky u Lord. To OYu be the Glroy all prais eand Honour is YOurs. thanky ou for another day..thanky u for your mercy. pelase heal and help al ontissite and speka to us all day long Lord. thnak you