Beloved of All
praie report. the Lor dhas given me much helaign in my teeth andboens an kidneys. pela se prayi an dleivere fo all metbaois disroders acid disorder an dmy grandma mom and dad an dll peopel as eell.Lord dleive rmey fmaily form al lunclena spirits and B as wel. dleiver B form smoking and alchohaul pelase Lord Jeus Chirst. pleas emay B have power encounter witht he Lord jeus Chirs ttoda.y God belss him on his birthday an dprotect himf orm all evil and eivl doers. send holy angels tomninster Himt he thigns of the Lor. praying for His salvaitonand trus tin Christ and forhis totoal helaign and freedom in Chris.t ipray for total healign and freedom in the name of the lord Jeus Chirst for allpoepel. To the Lord be all the Glory. thank yu LOrd for lal you do for me!pleas eoray of rmy grandma neck and spinal oculum and need exclelnt circulation blood pressur eno more flehs eaitng bacteri blood suagr issue.Lor dhelp me care for her help meine very way. as i wa scairng for her i wa sso tired and sitracted the pillow was stuckl on he r neck as i was mvign her in bed and i hear crack in her neck... pleas epra ythe lor dotuches my grandma and that she is heae dint ht enmaoe fht elor dJeus chirst pleas eoray the lord heals my eyes burnign and dleivers me form all diabetes type one diabete sinsipidus heals my broken dried teeht heals my grandma form asmall bowel obstruciotn syndorme. Lor dhavem emrcy runnign on ver ylow sleep. need prayers to hocare of rmy grandma. also pleas epray for B to hav emircuouls birthday today. Lord forgiv emy sin... please help Lor dvery tired. need sleeep God pelase help!! also pleas epray for B salvation and my whole fmaily slavation B protectiona nd whole fmaily protection form evil evil doers proteciton agaisnt every demon and olegions of dmeons possible protection agaisnt evr yunclean spirit that cuase sillness or othe rproblems. Lord help us do oyur WIll today im sorry i slippe dup today.. Lor need oyu to pleas ehlp me make better deicsions. pelase tell me if wha ti did was ver ybad forgive me. Lor dplease hal ymmother. dleive rher of asperger syndome. Lor dplease hela my grandm abowels. Lor dim ver ytired would liek soem res thave merc ypleas esouuround me B my parents my brother his wif emy grandma Béla Vilike with all your holy angel to minster to us YOur WIll to help us strgnthen us and heal us. ipray htis of rlal poeple. please heal all ont his site htier fmiliey and all in emergency icu. please Lord reesurrect peoples boddies including tteeth heall al broken teeht hcipped teeth acid eated teeth cavities ressure peopel teeth dental flehs. dleiver me and my fmialy form all flehs eaitng bacteri.a pleas heal my eyes Lood. pease hela my dad spinal colum adn please heal B in every wa.y Lor dif oyu have shuabdn for me Lord Jeus Chirs thea ron eart le tme know. and let him knwo. may ywe alwways be faihtful to the Lord Jeus Chirst be eqully yoke idn Christ and be havery happy and always in lvoe with oen another and serve the Lord togther. Lor dpeole join me wiht the husbadn you have mad efor me and me for Him accoridng to YOur perfect Will Lord YOur choice oyu knwo what i need Lord Jeus Chris.t to you be all the glory in joining me and my uhsband otgehter,. doal iny our power to brign me and the husband you made me for togther by your hOly spirit. let nothign no one no dmeon no person no ides no insecitrut yno fela no evil ever come between me and my husband form the Lord Jeus Chirs.t LOrd make us ONe for oyur Glro yna d by your power. no strange marriage for me or anyoen else. in thenamoe fthe LOr djUEs Chirst. tank yoyu LOrd.