Pleas elOrd JEus Christ please Please HElp my grandma to pee give her strogn heart and proper workign bowels excellent circulation and dleiver her form all flesh eating bacteria tumour diabtes insipdius. pelas ehlp her pee. pleas eehal her nerves bowels. hela her dementia. pelas ebrign helaing to Schneider Vilmsoné circulaion lack of oxygen. pelas ehal her Lord Jeus christ. pelase dleiver her form strepteccous flehs eatign disorder.uti. and also my mymom too and whoel family. pelase dliever my fmaily form all excess uric acid. pelase give your salvationt o all my fmaiyl blodo line. pelas emriaculoulsy hela my grandma pelase Lord Jeus christ. PLEAsye HELP my UNbelif.Pleas ehal her Lord Jeus Christ. heal me of diabetes and kidney disease snd uric acid flehs eating disorder. pelas eldieve rmy whole famiyl blood lien form all unclean evil spirits and deliver us form all illness and disease. pelas eprotect my fmaily form alla ccidenty. pelas ehal all who have cancer tumors kidney disease, deformities. pelaqse heal my grandmas weak. pelas ehal her form heart fialure. pelas ehal my dad sheart as well and insulin wieght problem foot problems. pelas ehal my type 1 diabete sinsulin reistance. also strepteccous flesh eatign disorder heal all circulaiton and heart disorder sin the fmaily pelas eLord jeus Christ. please dlieve rmy whoel fmaily form gentic curses. Please help me find you Lord. Please brign helaign to my grandma miraculously Please e Lord Jesus Christ pelase make her blood pressure excelelnt . cause her to be abel to eliminate waste easuiily. spleas ehela herheart so she can eat and dirnk more. pelas ehal her bowels. her body. Lrod I beg you my grandma. i dotn want to lose her.Please also prtect my brtoher and his griflried form all evil. pelase g before them for they are planning to fly here tommorow. pelase protetc fthem form civd 19 and form all evil. pelase send trillions of holy anger sot assit them in their travel. pelase favour them.pelase hela my brother of histmiane intolerance heart mumer and eteeth problems.. pelase heal his wife as well Pleas eprovid efo rhtei rneeds and please give them your slavation. Pelase Brign your salvation to my grandma and helaing mirauclously.Lor di help my unbelif.please give me wisdoem energy and lfie an dmy mom too and all peopel. pelase dleiver all people form covi19. please hela all who are sick. please brign salvation to all. Please sva eus all Lord. help tus to know you adn do your Will. Pleas ehal my grandmas blood pressure and strenghten her bowels heal and fix all her health problems and the root causes therof mirauclously Please Lord Jeus Christ if you are Will. Thank You BY Your stripes we are heale.d praiyng all who have cancer to be dleivere dof cancer by You Lord Jeus Christ for your Glroy by your power. Please heal me and my mom and grandma andall family and Vilike of perodontis disease neurological disorder and all disorders ass . well.pleas eproect Vilike form evil. pleas eprovide th ebst care for hima d heal his Mama. Pelase lor forgiv em sisn. lor dplease please brign helaign to all my fmaily. PLease Please Lor.d in thename of the Lord Jeus Chirst i pray. thank you for oyur rpayers. Pray all of you have blessed safe day filled with God presence . I as al of this boldy comign to oyur throen of grace in my tiem fo need wiht the hOly and precious most hOly Blood the Lord Jeus Chirst. thank you Lord for being our intercessor. true God and eternal life. all praise and Glory ot OUy. pelas ehal us save us redeem us and dleiver my whoel family out of the hands of the devil. pelas eprotect us all form all manner of sicness and isease and all mneer of evil my enitr efmaiyl blood lien and all people too. please have emrcy and guide us to do Your Will. Please help in all areas of our lives. pleas ehelp Lord. and all peopel. thnaky ou lord . thank you forver for eternal life you purchased for us the right to life in the Lord Jeus Christ. in His name their is life. please Hevaenly Father int he name of the Lord Jeus Chirst please give my grandma life mymother my dad my brother Andi all my fmaiyl blood lien and all peopel. Please Heavely Father giv eus life int he name of the Lord Jeus Chirst. all praise and Glor yand Honour go to HIm. thanky oU Lord Jeus Christ for YOu are the Life.