Humble Servant of All
pleas e please pray for my grandmother Shcneider Vilmosné to be heale dof all ilness and sickness, especially oxygen blood pressure and heart problems as wella s deformities of muscle sna dbone sosteoporosis and helaign of small bowel obstruction syndrom, healign of the cause of Cranial diabetes insipidus and dleiverance of cross syndrome. Please lord properly align her body os she can have normal bowel movements and be able to rid of liquids and have no fluid build up. Please Lord have emrcy and remove all of Satan's strognhold on her. Lord also please deliver me and my mom form constantly haivng misunderstanigns and remove what satan has doen to our relationship. I pray to have peace with all people. i pray this for allpeople as well. Please Lord heal all the sick. Heal all thso ehwo have covid 19 and delta mutations. Please heal all those who have tumours and cancer.Lord and have mercy on me and my fmaily. please dleiver me and my fmaily our home our posessions our lives form eevry manne rof evil and disease in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Lord help me to find you. Lord im exahsute dplease heal my granmda. Please heal my moms health periodontis disease an dheal my brothers histmaine intoleranc ean dmy dads gout and lungs. Please help with all tasks . please giv eme strength. Pelase heall all who have dementia pelase heal the elderly. Please Lord God almighty. Helpim so depressed.Lord .. Please i need oyur help. Im so tire dof fighting. Help God. Please heal Grandé. Lord do all iny our power to give all ppeopel lif ein abundance. Please destory the works of Satan in every person's lif eint he anme of the Lord Jesus Christ. Please remove all evil form our lives PLease heal the planet with the blodo fot he Lord Jesus Christ. deliver us form alle vil. Give us what we need. pleas emake us well Lord . Please Help thank yu Lord. Please help. Please give th ehomeless all home sand money to support their fmailies. pelase give better quality of life ot the poor. pleas eprovide all peopel wtih warm water and food and good quality life. Please heal HUngary. dleiver HUngary form alle vila dn canada tooa dn all countries too. Please Lord God almighty remove the curse of poverty over my fmaily's life and help us. Please Lord. please heal my fmaily Lord Jesus Christ.