Beloved of All
Lord I have family the enemy is steal from me disunity forlove peace understanding help restore back health idont wanna be pai and it’s looks don’t care for family but I real cause me be distress a look I don’t care minoring children but am not plesa god unplug and eat the finite sound or pain in jaw and stifles healing arm thighs stomach help to be strong renounce back to health and bring back kindness caring for not worry about my self comtreatedin pain suffering Jesus ilove lord g forgive please right now right take away that feeling of despising am scared of think of weird thighs mind negative thoughts to Berenice’s from sickness I want beagle to smile and hugs grandkids and children have close relationship pleas restore back health help not give up cause feel am doing that Ian be able to smile again please God I’m very upset about this already for nine months. I cannot believe that God will let it go this far. If you really love me stop stop to talk to more inflammation. No more pain I want make my arms be strong my legs my that offered up because I lost weight so flabby looks horrible. It’s so scary. My arms can move back-and-forth and be able to do exercise. I could get my arms firm and my legs for my dies and my stomach too because I have arthritis and arthritis for me to move a certain way that they could be flexible to move on my body to be able to get the strength back. Giveback health look moisture skin in my face under face my whole face give back confidence beiilivingn that receive confirmation to giveinsignlord of peace that evils gonna be back to normality better than before we leave in harmony in peace strength restorecivertyhbhelp meditate action pleas restore remaining me you t really care for means my family make strong make be strong my always give strength clean much could the tentacle shower without pain and brush without pain walk store by myself pleas restore my loving caring mom grand moma d sister I was a she’ll take care of my health pleas that ray without pain and do exercise and eat problem any stomach problem staring good slep and wake next ready to clean cook and ready dress proper with me Ben hot with clothes and sweaty restore all moisture in my whole body please no more stress suffering Igot a family pleas your only that help get strong put strength to mind to lord you block all pain from top head solely my feet remodel sore and discomfort straight back spine return back to normal make stronger better than before you do it if you want really care show me sign that love have mercy or give guidance’s how to regain my health back healt eyes and no health issue all remove your a miracle maker amen thank you I’ve be saying thank many month an heal but that my jaw straying up and body get hot artery is don’t hat from god