Beloved of All
plea speray of rme im makign important phoen cals and worried that i cannot reach the right peopel and that iask God to help get diapers and best percribed foods for my grandma and for the Lord to hear heal form smal bowel obstruciton syndorem so she can have smore space and right posistion i her body for more food and no more malnutrtion or ickness of flesh eaticn bacteria in ehr body Lord Jeus chirs tpelase tougch her Lor dhela her blood pressure help em care for her. Lor dpleas ei eg you help me with these tasks. pela ealso help me egt along with mymtoher no communication issues whatso ever. pelase let thei rbe lovign enviromentment in m our hoem.lor dprotect outr hoem and fmaily form alle vil in the nameo fthe Lord Jeus christ. pelas eLord help em to thinkt he workds oyu wantme to htink say the words you want me to say and also help us et the bed my grandma needs give us the right builders who weil make a mobile bed perfect for her and easy to navigate wiht bestmaterials best wheels best of everythign better than i can htink or imagive. send ahoy angel to build this bed so i can take her outside she has been bedriddenf or year.s pelas ehelp pelas ehal her of all unclean spirits that caue dmag to her. dleivernace for hea whole life by the hand of Chirs ti ask this int he anem fothe Lord Jeus christ. i iask this also for all my fmialy memebr fmaiyl and and husband( you knwo who He is Lord9. join us to be oen flehs by YOur hOly spirit . all prais eglryoy and honru sis Your. protec tus and pelase make this a great day. giv eall peopel emrr yhearts and joy of serivng the lor dhtnak YOu lrod. pelas ehlp. thank you so mcuh. Abba Father. int hename of the Lord Jeus Chris.t put me under your protection and under your headshipa tat al tiems Lord. do this for al peopel too.also no mroe fmiale drought no mroe psestilenece vocid. pelaer emove lal evil formt eh world thank YOu lrod Jeus Christ. pelas emake all phoen conversation smoth easy and brign me and fmaily husabdna nd all people soo mcuh fasvior and blessign and helaign and providence mircales and lif eina bundanc eot all peopel today Lord in Your presence iN yoUr name for Your Glory by the hOyl blod of the Lord Jeus Chris ti ask this with thanks givign and praise to You.. giv ema heart after yous Lord alway sna doferver. thanky oyu. keep me closer to oyu than ever before . give me wisdom make me and my fmialy memebrs 1000 times mroe than we are. may we bear much fruit the fruit of the spirit and aslo bring souls to YOur feet Lord Jeus Chirst. thank YOu lord. today Lord not becaus eim good but becaus eoyu are thank OYuLord. imsorry of rmy sisn. thank YOu God.