plase pray for my grandma is ver ill . my mom take sit out on me all day im scared toeven go to bathroomm. please pray my grandma gets heale dby God and my mom too. Im scared of my mom she has aspergers and has all day melltdowns. im really weak i have type 1 diabetes and kidney disease. my eyes are burngin and my feet deformed. Lr dplease send help i beg you. send helaign please have merc yim nto perfect . please help my mtoher to not get angry all the time all day. not sure what tod od anymore. pleas ehlp her to be calm and dleiver her formthe deivl. please dleiver her formt he devil. pleas ehal her brian form aspergers syndorme. pelase help her nto to complain and get angry and clal me names all da.y please hela my body as well. Lord have emrcy. my eyes burn. my hands and feet burn. Lord i need oyur halign. Please hela my grandmas blood pressure and mirculuosy give ger proper healed bowle movements without obstruction .please heal her ciculation pleas heal her brian form all dementia and remove all plaque in ehr arteries and brain. give her the healign she needs ot be whole Lord Jeus Chirst. Please also continue to heal my dad slungs. thnaky oyu for you healign thus sfar. thanky ou all to your prayers my das helath ha sbeen improving please ocninure to pray for his health thank you you. for his lugns and body. Lord have emrc ynned urgent hlp here i paralzed with paina nd fear and anxiety. pelas help!! thnak you Lord Jeus Chirst. be merciful onto me please.