Servant of All
Blessed are You, the Elohim of Abraham, Isaac & Jacob, the Creator of all things, the Great Mighty & Revered Elohim who bestows lovingkindnesses. The Helper & the Savior, the Shield & the Stronghold, the Counsellor & the Resting Place of His people. The King who loves righteous & justice. Blessed & Hallowed be Your Name Holy One of Israel. Loving & Tender Shepherd, please continue to purify us by the power of Your Spirit. Help us to cling to what is good & keep ourselves pure. Adonai, please help us to separate ourselves from anything that is not holy. Give us discernment to recognize which is wortless & remove ourselves from it. Show us how to tear down any idols in our lives & help us eliminate any sources of unholy thoughts that do not glorify You. Elohim of Redemption & Restoration, search our heart & try us & see if there any wickedness in us & replace all that is wrong in our character with the Your goodness & truth. Plant the fruit of Your Spirit in us & cause it to flourish. Make us patient with others so that we reflect Your character to them. Help us to be kind whenever there is opportunity for it & may Your goodness flow through us so that we will do good to everyone. Make us to be a faithful person so that we can be trusted in all things. Help us to have the meekness & gentleness of Yeshua, so that we will reflect Your gentle Spirit. Father Yahweh please enable us to be self-controlled in our thoughts, words, & habits. May we be like a tree planted by the rivers of Your living waters so that we will bring forth fruits in season that won't wither. We ask that the fruits of Your spirit will grow in us & be recognized clearly by all who see us in order that it will glorify You. All-Knowing, Gracious & Almighty Elohim our hope is in You, our lives & times are hidden in Your affection & love, please sustain us. Hold the chaos of our lives in Your perfect peace. Abba Father, please hear our request & let Your ears be attentive to our cry for delivrance from evil, for mercy, forgiveness & healing in every way. Hear & answer us according to Your Words in the Mighty, Saving, Name of Your Son, Yeshua our Redeemer & Advocate, the Chief Connerstone upon which we build our spiritual lives, the Way, the Truth & the Life. Amen, HalleluYah.