Beloved of All
I pray Lord Jesus for
September 17—LESOTHO
Pray for a door to open and the right contacts made to get Derek’s broadcast on the radio in Lesotho.
Praise & Thanksgiving:
When the Lesotho Youth with a Mission Director’s wife was in Pretoria for training, the South Africa office gave her the Mega Voice player, South Sotho Foundations DVDs and Self-Study Bible Course to take back to Lesotho to use in ministry.
September 18—MIDDLE EAST • Pray for successful translation of 12 hours of video teaching (8 titles) into Arabic as well as the new video project, “Declaring God’s Word” in Arabic for Christian TV channels. • Pray that this teaching will reach many Arabic-speakers both in the
Middle East and beyond. • Pray for new contacts in Tunisia, Iraq and the Gulf region to help produce and distribute material.
Praise & Thanksgiving: Since June 1, the Arabic audio devotionals (from Declaring God’s Word) have been airing 17 times a day, 7 days a week via 5 FM and AM radio frequencies and also online for Arabic speakers worldwide.
September 19—ETHIOPIA • Pray for successful printing and distribution of new translations in the Tigrinya language (Protection from Deception, God is a Matchmaker and Foundations for Christian Living) throughout Ethiopia and Eritrea, now that there is finally peace between the two nations. • Pray that the book, How to Pass from Curse to Blessing, can be reprinted.
Praise & Thanksgiving: Thank God the Eritrean–Ethiopian War has come to a peaceful end 20 years after it began. Ethiopian Airlines will now resume flights to Eritrea, and many Christian prisoners in Eritrea have been set free. The door is open for the Gospel and Derek’s teaching materials in the Tigrinya language. Faith to Live By, They Shall Expel Demons and Foundations for Christian Living, will be distributed!
September 20—NORWAY
• Pray for the Sami translator to work with wisdom and skill to finish the first 12 proclamation cards.
• Pray for the Norwegian translators to work successfully on new titles.
Praise & Thanksgiving:
• A new website and web shop has been completed. Many thanks to John Rust (DPM–USA) for his great help and support in the process!
• The Lord has opened up Scandinavia to Derek’s teaching on a larger scale! New books are being printed in Sweden, Denmark and Finland!
The Talish translation of Does Your Tongue Need Healing? is being printed and will be available shortly. Talish is spoken by 500,000 to 1 million people in northern Iran and southern Azerbaijan. Pray for this book to impact many lives in this part of the world.
September 22—MOZAMBIQUE
Pray for Derek’s Portuguese material that was recently sent to Iris Ministries to be an encouragement to all the staff and students at their Bible schools and training centers.
September 23—ALBANIA
• Pray for successful printing and distribution of the Foundation Series.
• Pray for creative channels for distribution of material to be found.
• Pray for connection to likeminded believers and church leaders to help spread Derek’s teaching.
Praise & Thanksgiving:
We are very grateful for the commitment of Aurora, our translator, who works faithfully on new material despite a challenging home situation and Skerdi, our proofreader, who diligently helped us complete the extensive Foundation Series project.
• Pray for more open doors and contacts to connect with the Latino community locally and in Central/South America.
• Pray for those translating Derek’s material and voicing his audio messages into Spanish.
• Pray for many more Hispanics to find and use the resources on the Spanish website and app.
Praise & Thanksgiving:
Several events for college students have taken place in recent months—in Massachusetts, Colorado and Kentucky—where DPM was represented. Good contacts were made with the students, and Derek’s material was given to them at no charge.
September 25—CAMBODIA
A new website has been launched ( where a variety of free material in the national Khmer language can be found as well as Derek’s radio programs. Pray that many people will become aware of DPM in Cambodia, visit the site and be strengthened in their faith by the teachings.
Praise & Thanksgiving:
• We gave gift packs of Derek’s books to Bible college graduates who have very few opportunities to get sound Bible teaching.
• We also recently trained 24 pastors using Derek’s book, What’s So Important About the Cross?
September 26—NEW ZEALAND
• Pray for inspiration for ways to reach those aged 20-40 with Derek’s teaching.
• Pray for new “Reach and Teach” opportunities to open up in all of the Asia/Pacific islands, a region given oversight by the New Zealand office.
Testimony (from a supporter in her 90s):
“I’ve just finished reading Derek’s book, Set Apart for God; it’s a ‘must read,’ particularly for young people! I am getting six copies to give to my family members. It’s very biblical, gives you a good base and I would love my family to read it. My husband (now deceased) and I attended many of Derek’s meetings when he was in Auckland. I loved hearing him speak and felt inspired by his dedication and his walk with the Lord. He really knew Him.”
September 27—ALGERIA • Pray for all involved in the Kabyle language projects in progress and for all to go smoothly. • Pray for the Church in Algeria that is dealing with increasing persecution and religious restrictions. Some churches have been closed, and others are threatened.
September 28—UKRAINE
In July, 325 copies of Shaping History Through Prayer and Fasting were sent to Yuri Kostyuchenko, an assistant to the Deputy of the National Parliament. Yuri distributes Derek’s books in government circles, where they are a great resource for national prayer breakfasts and prayer meetings. Pray for this material to bear good fruit in a national intercession movement and help transform the society according to God’s principles!
Testimony: Belarus “Thank you to Derek Prince for his dedication to teaching the Word of God. I have been reading Foundational Truths for Christian Living and praying for these truths to take root in my heart. I am learning to be more dependent on Christ. I thank Derek for opening these scriptural truths to me and enabling me to have a deeper relationship with Jesus.”
September 29—NETHERLANDS
• A new online course is being developed on the topic: “Thanksgiving, Praise and Worship.” Pray that this teaching will help many people understand these vital aspects of ministry to the Lord.
• Pray for believers who need the teaching in the new Dutch title, Why Bad Things Happen to God’s People, to be able to receive this book.
Praise & Thanksgiving:
The Dutch book, Why Bad Things Happen to God’s People, has just been published, and sales started in August. We are so encouraged with the testimonies we have already received!
September 30—VIETNAM • Pray for God’s protection and anointing over the two translation teams in this communist country. • Pray for the government to officially approve the next two Vietnamese books ready for printing.
Worldwide Prayer Focus
“If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you.” —JOHN 15:7
Pray for the directors, staff, outreach workers (and their families) at over 50 DPM bases. Some are battling cancer, other serious health issues, and various crises. Pray for all to walk in good health, strength, favor, provision, anointing and protection, and for DPM worldwide to be a “cancer-free zone.” (A listing of DPM offices with directors’ names is on our website.)
October 2—FRANCE
• Pray for Catherine to have wisdom and compassion in working with students taking the Bible Correspondence Course.
• Many students seem to have given up and stopped the course. Pray that the Spirit of God will exhort them to pick it up again and finish and go on to inspire new students to enroll.
October 3—SLOVENIA
• Pray for the new Slovenian book, Blessing or Curse: You Can Choose! to help bring freedom to many believers here, setting them free from curses, demonic oppression, and various bondages.
• Pray that the new 10-booklet Foundation Series will give believers a proper biblical foundation.
October 4—INDIA
Directors Elsie and Danny will hold pastors’ conferences this month in Bihar, Jharkhand and Orissa States. Orissa is significant as they have waited, prayed and struggled to get into this area for years.
• Pray for the Lord’s protection over them as they travel and for anointing as they minister.
• Pray for the pastors to come together in unity and be blessed by the teaching and resources.
Praise & Thanksgiving:
• We had successful ministry at three seminars in the north, where there is little Christian activity but severe persecution against believers and Christian organizations. Yet, we taught pastors and leaders on The Divine Exchange, From Curse to Blessing and The Power of Proclamation and gave them material. We also encouraged them to take the teaching to their churches.
• We met the director of a very large Christian medical college and hospital/training facility and also gave him books and SD cards. He impacts many students and staff, so it was a seed well sown.
October 5—HUNGARY
Two conferences last year on the topic, “Husbands and Fathers” with men from many churches created so much excitement that another meeting is scheduled for this month based on Derek’s book, Does Your Tongue Need Healing? The aim is to get Derek’s teaching to churches across Hungary and allow God’s Word to change lives. Pray for final preparations, many to attend and provision of everything needed.
Graeme and Veronica Hunter, DPM Indigenous Outreach representatives, asked for prayer that their planned outreaches this month to Aboriginal brothers and sisters in the Northern Territory, northern Queensland and northern New South Wales would fall into place according to God’s will and timing.
Derek’s radio program is being translated into the Ayacucho Quechua dialect of Peru and its neighboring countries. Pray for the Lord’s protection and encouragement over the translation team based in Peru and that they would work accurately, efficiently and in unity.
October 8—SYRIA/IRAQ • Pray for protection and guidance for families from Egypt who have moved to Syria and Iraq to be used by the Lord there. They use Derek’s material for study and discipleship, so pray God will use them mightily among those who are hurting, along with those from DPM.
• Pray for an end to the war in Syria and, meantime, for church leaders to be strong in their faith midst the atrocities and help many find emotional and spiritual healing.
• Pray for the young people and children at the camps who have drawn close to the Lord to also stay strong in their daily walk.
Praise & Thanksgiving: • God has started to send some families to Syria to serve Him there. • We thank God for a friend from Jordan who did outreach in Syria in July. The Lord used him to encourage believers by giving them Derek’s SD cards, along with food and medicine.
• Pray for recent events for college students in Colorado and Kentucky where DPM was represented to bring response from many of them eager to receive more of Derek’s teaching.
• Pray for wisdom regarding taking part in more such events and connections with the right leaders.
October 10—NORWAY
• Pray for the young people who received the Self-Study Bible Course to successfully complete it and have their lives touched by the Holy Spirit. (See praise report below!)
• Pray for the “mission partners” in Norway to desire to plant more seeds by their giving and prayers so that a great harvest will result of lives changed by God’s Word and Derek’s teaching.
Praise & Thanksgiving:
• Director Sverre shared below about the youth that he asks prayer for frequently:
“I just retired after teaching at a secondary school (ages 13–16) for 16 years. The last three years, another teacher and I were allowed to gather with students at lunch to read the Bible. We did this three times weekly with 10–30 students and were the first Norwegian state secondary school to do this, even as many principals object to Christianity! It was also reported in a Christian Norwegian newspaper. We have now heard that other Norwegian schools are copying us.
“We maintain contact with many of the students although they are now in different high schools. A group of 20 have received Derek’s Self-Study Bible Course and are working through it. We hope to gather with many of them in the autumn, as the Lord allows. We trust He will bring forth much good fruit in the future through these students.”
I pray for a word of knowledge on the people helping me with deliverance and myself for it to be irrefutable, something that can't be dismissed concerning my deliverance.
I pray for better strategy in deliverance and you break any curses from my life and bless me.
I pray that Africa will be self sufficient no longer needing foreign aid and be built on you the Lord Jesus.
I pray for my mother to find miraculous healing and a abundant life.
I pray that she gets a house or greater.
I pray for the destruction of satans kingdom and its downfall.
I pray for you to rule and reign on the Earth and help with daily responsibilities.
I pray for the release of my brother from prison and other prisoners.
I pray for worldwide prison reform.
I pray for Godly world peace and you make my family and I into peacemakers.
I pray that you save, deliver and bless the LGBT community, intersex people along with two spirit people.
I pray that you save, deliver and bless indigenous and native people.
I pray that you bless my family and I with great blessings.
I pray for bees to have better health and not perish from CCD.
I pray for more power and authority from on high.
I pray that organic food would abound.
I pray that a great revival would sweep the earth like never before.
I pray for true love to abound.
I pray for divine health on my family and I.
I pray that you free me from all demonic sensations.
I pray for the gift of repentance.
I pray for the fire of God to hit my city and destroy the evil dwelling here.
I pray for the true Holy Spirit to come and for me to be filled past overflow.
I pray that you cleanse, wash, purge, renew, purify the body of Christ, my family and I.
I pray for a stronger spirit, body and wisdom.
I pray for the body of Christ to do better with deliverance.
I pray to become a great man of God.
I pray for Godly film industry, media and arts.
I pray for divine health on the body of Christ.
I pray for freedom from all bondage, temptation, sin, consequence of sin, and ancestral curses.
I pray that you change curse to a blessing.
I pray that this year will be the greatest year of my life and so will each year.
I pray to have a deeper love for God.
I pray to have intimacy with the Holy Spirit.
I pray for a greater and better resurrection for my family and I.
I pray that hate crimes, murder, robbery, acid attacks, rape, terrorist attacks, sexual harassment, molestation, harassment and all crimes to cease.
I pray for deeper spiritual growth.
I pray to flee youthful lusts.
I pray for a deeper relationship with you God.
I pray that you save, deliver and bless the inhabitants of my city.
I pray for a direct line of communication with you Lord Jesus and to hear your audible voice.
I pray for total deliverance from all demonic bondage, oppression and possession.
I pray for true faith.
I pray to cut the root and uproot all of my problems.
I pray you do great things in the lives of the inhabitants of my city.
I pray for pollution problems to be solved.
I pray for help with applications.
I pray for more of your Holy Spirit.
I pray for your guidance daily, hourly and moment by moment.
I pray that you pour out your spirit on all flesh.
I pray for stronger spiritual weaponry and spiritual warfare.
I pray that you train my hands to spiritual warfare.
I pray for the higher calling - a higher profile and visibility.
I pray and press into greater understanding of what that looks like.
I pray for help with assessments and courses to do my best or beyond.
I pray to be a great problem solver.
I pray to uproot, destroy, dismantle and pull down all strongholds.
I pray for this in your name Lord Jesus Christ, Amen. Praise, bless and thank you Lord Jesus Christ.
September 17—LESOTHO
Pray for a door to open and the right contacts made to get Derek’s broadcast on the radio in Lesotho.
Praise & Thanksgiving:
When the Lesotho Youth with a Mission Director’s wife was in Pretoria for training, the South Africa office gave her the Mega Voice player, South Sotho Foundations DVDs and Self-Study Bible Course to take back to Lesotho to use in ministry.
September 18—MIDDLE EAST • Pray for successful translation of 12 hours of video teaching (8 titles) into Arabic as well as the new video project, “Declaring God’s Word” in Arabic for Christian TV channels. • Pray that this teaching will reach many Arabic-speakers both in the
Middle East and beyond. • Pray for new contacts in Tunisia, Iraq and the Gulf region to help produce and distribute material.
Praise & Thanksgiving: Since June 1, the Arabic audio devotionals (from Declaring God’s Word) have been airing 17 times a day, 7 days a week via 5 FM and AM radio frequencies and also online for Arabic speakers worldwide.
September 19—ETHIOPIA • Pray for successful printing and distribution of new translations in the Tigrinya language (Protection from Deception, God is a Matchmaker and Foundations for Christian Living) throughout Ethiopia and Eritrea, now that there is finally peace between the two nations. • Pray that the book, How to Pass from Curse to Blessing, can be reprinted.
Praise & Thanksgiving: Thank God the Eritrean–Ethiopian War has come to a peaceful end 20 years after it began. Ethiopian Airlines will now resume flights to Eritrea, and many Christian prisoners in Eritrea have been set free. The door is open for the Gospel and Derek’s teaching materials in the Tigrinya language. Faith to Live By, They Shall Expel Demons and Foundations for Christian Living, will be distributed!
September 20—NORWAY
• Pray for the Sami translator to work with wisdom and skill to finish the first 12 proclamation cards.
• Pray for the Norwegian translators to work successfully on new titles.
Praise & Thanksgiving:
• A new website and web shop has been completed. Many thanks to John Rust (DPM–USA) for his great help and support in the process!
• The Lord has opened up Scandinavia to Derek’s teaching on a larger scale! New books are being printed in Sweden, Denmark and Finland!
The Talish translation of Does Your Tongue Need Healing? is being printed and will be available shortly. Talish is spoken by 500,000 to 1 million people in northern Iran and southern Azerbaijan. Pray for this book to impact many lives in this part of the world.
September 22—MOZAMBIQUE
Pray for Derek’s Portuguese material that was recently sent to Iris Ministries to be an encouragement to all the staff and students at their Bible schools and training centers.
September 23—ALBANIA
• Pray for successful printing and distribution of the Foundation Series.
• Pray for creative channels for distribution of material to be found.
• Pray for connection to likeminded believers and church leaders to help spread Derek’s teaching.
Praise & Thanksgiving:
We are very grateful for the commitment of Aurora, our translator, who works faithfully on new material despite a challenging home situation and Skerdi, our proofreader, who diligently helped us complete the extensive Foundation Series project.
• Pray for more open doors and contacts to connect with the Latino community locally and in Central/South America.
• Pray for those translating Derek’s material and voicing his audio messages into Spanish.
• Pray for many more Hispanics to find and use the resources on the Spanish website and app.
Praise & Thanksgiving:
Several events for college students have taken place in recent months—in Massachusetts, Colorado and Kentucky—where DPM was represented. Good contacts were made with the students, and Derek’s material was given to them at no charge.
September 25—CAMBODIA
A new website has been launched ( where a variety of free material in the national Khmer language can be found as well as Derek’s radio programs. Pray that many people will become aware of DPM in Cambodia, visit the site and be strengthened in their faith by the teachings.
Praise & Thanksgiving:
• We gave gift packs of Derek’s books to Bible college graduates who have very few opportunities to get sound Bible teaching.
• We also recently trained 24 pastors using Derek’s book, What’s So Important About the Cross?
September 26—NEW ZEALAND
• Pray for inspiration for ways to reach those aged 20-40 with Derek’s teaching.
• Pray for new “Reach and Teach” opportunities to open up in all of the Asia/Pacific islands, a region given oversight by the New Zealand office.
Testimony (from a supporter in her 90s):
“I’ve just finished reading Derek’s book, Set Apart for God; it’s a ‘must read,’ particularly for young people! I am getting six copies to give to my family members. It’s very biblical, gives you a good base and I would love my family to read it. My husband (now deceased) and I attended many of Derek’s meetings when he was in Auckland. I loved hearing him speak and felt inspired by his dedication and his walk with the Lord. He really knew Him.”
September 27—ALGERIA • Pray for all involved in the Kabyle language projects in progress and for all to go smoothly. • Pray for the Church in Algeria that is dealing with increasing persecution and religious restrictions. Some churches have been closed, and others are threatened.
September 28—UKRAINE
In July, 325 copies of Shaping History Through Prayer and Fasting were sent to Yuri Kostyuchenko, an assistant to the Deputy of the National Parliament. Yuri distributes Derek’s books in government circles, where they are a great resource for national prayer breakfasts and prayer meetings. Pray for this material to bear good fruit in a national intercession movement and help transform the society according to God’s principles!
Testimony: Belarus “Thank you to Derek Prince for his dedication to teaching the Word of God. I have been reading Foundational Truths for Christian Living and praying for these truths to take root in my heart. I am learning to be more dependent on Christ. I thank Derek for opening these scriptural truths to me and enabling me to have a deeper relationship with Jesus.”
September 29—NETHERLANDS
• A new online course is being developed on the topic: “Thanksgiving, Praise and Worship.” Pray that this teaching will help many people understand these vital aspects of ministry to the Lord.
• Pray for believers who need the teaching in the new Dutch title, Why Bad Things Happen to God’s People, to be able to receive this book.
Praise & Thanksgiving:
The Dutch book, Why Bad Things Happen to God’s People, has just been published, and sales started in August. We are so encouraged with the testimonies we have already received!
September 30—VIETNAM • Pray for God’s protection and anointing over the two translation teams in this communist country. • Pray for the government to officially approve the next two Vietnamese books ready for printing.
Worldwide Prayer Focus
“If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you.” —JOHN 15:7
Pray for the directors, staff, outreach workers (and their families) at over 50 DPM bases. Some are battling cancer, other serious health issues, and various crises. Pray for all to walk in good health, strength, favor, provision, anointing and protection, and for DPM worldwide to be a “cancer-free zone.” (A listing of DPM offices with directors’ names is on our website.)
October 2—FRANCE
• Pray for Catherine to have wisdom and compassion in working with students taking the Bible Correspondence Course.
• Many students seem to have given up and stopped the course. Pray that the Spirit of God will exhort them to pick it up again and finish and go on to inspire new students to enroll.
October 3—SLOVENIA
• Pray for the new Slovenian book, Blessing or Curse: You Can Choose! to help bring freedom to many believers here, setting them free from curses, demonic oppression, and various bondages.
• Pray that the new 10-booklet Foundation Series will give believers a proper biblical foundation.
October 4—INDIA
Directors Elsie and Danny will hold pastors’ conferences this month in Bihar, Jharkhand and Orissa States. Orissa is significant as they have waited, prayed and struggled to get into this area for years.
• Pray for the Lord’s protection over them as they travel and for anointing as they minister.
• Pray for the pastors to come together in unity and be blessed by the teaching and resources.
Praise & Thanksgiving:
• We had successful ministry at three seminars in the north, where there is little Christian activity but severe persecution against believers and Christian organizations. Yet, we taught pastors and leaders on The Divine Exchange, From Curse to Blessing and The Power of Proclamation and gave them material. We also encouraged them to take the teaching to their churches.
• We met the director of a very large Christian medical college and hospital/training facility and also gave him books and SD cards. He impacts many students and staff, so it was a seed well sown.
October 5—HUNGARY
Two conferences last year on the topic, “Husbands and Fathers” with men from many churches created so much excitement that another meeting is scheduled for this month based on Derek’s book, Does Your Tongue Need Healing? The aim is to get Derek’s teaching to churches across Hungary and allow God’s Word to change lives. Pray for final preparations, many to attend and provision of everything needed.
Graeme and Veronica Hunter, DPM Indigenous Outreach representatives, asked for prayer that their planned outreaches this month to Aboriginal brothers and sisters in the Northern Territory, northern Queensland and northern New South Wales would fall into place according to God’s will and timing.
Derek’s radio program is being translated into the Ayacucho Quechua dialect of Peru and its neighboring countries. Pray for the Lord’s protection and encouragement over the translation team based in Peru and that they would work accurately, efficiently and in unity.
October 8—SYRIA/IRAQ • Pray for protection and guidance for families from Egypt who have moved to Syria and Iraq to be used by the Lord there. They use Derek’s material for study and discipleship, so pray God will use them mightily among those who are hurting, along with those from DPM.
• Pray for an end to the war in Syria and, meantime, for church leaders to be strong in their faith midst the atrocities and help many find emotional and spiritual healing.
• Pray for the young people and children at the camps who have drawn close to the Lord to also stay strong in their daily walk.
Praise & Thanksgiving: • God has started to send some families to Syria to serve Him there. • We thank God for a friend from Jordan who did outreach in Syria in July. The Lord used him to encourage believers by giving them Derek’s SD cards, along with food and medicine.
• Pray for recent events for college students in Colorado and Kentucky where DPM was represented to bring response from many of them eager to receive more of Derek’s teaching.
• Pray for wisdom regarding taking part in more such events and connections with the right leaders.
October 10—NORWAY
• Pray for the young people who received the Self-Study Bible Course to successfully complete it and have their lives touched by the Holy Spirit. (See praise report below!)
• Pray for the “mission partners” in Norway to desire to plant more seeds by their giving and prayers so that a great harvest will result of lives changed by God’s Word and Derek’s teaching.
Praise & Thanksgiving:
• Director Sverre shared below about the youth that he asks prayer for frequently:
“I just retired after teaching at a secondary school (ages 13–16) for 16 years. The last three years, another teacher and I were allowed to gather with students at lunch to read the Bible. We did this three times weekly with 10–30 students and were the first Norwegian state secondary school to do this, even as many principals object to Christianity! It was also reported in a Christian Norwegian newspaper. We have now heard that other Norwegian schools are copying us.
“We maintain contact with many of the students although they are now in different high schools. A group of 20 have received Derek’s Self-Study Bible Course and are working through it. We hope to gather with many of them in the autumn, as the Lord allows. We trust He will bring forth much good fruit in the future through these students.”
I pray for a word of knowledge on the people helping me with deliverance and myself for it to be irrefutable, something that can't be dismissed concerning my deliverance.
I pray for better strategy in deliverance and you break any curses from my life and bless me.
I pray that Africa will be self sufficient no longer needing foreign aid and be built on you the Lord Jesus.
I pray for my mother to find miraculous healing and a abundant life.
I pray that she gets a house or greater.
I pray for the destruction of satans kingdom and its downfall.
I pray for you to rule and reign on the Earth and help with daily responsibilities.
I pray for the release of my brother from prison and other prisoners.
I pray for worldwide prison reform.
I pray for Godly world peace and you make my family and I into peacemakers.
I pray that you save, deliver and bless the LGBT community, intersex people along with two spirit people.
I pray that you save, deliver and bless indigenous and native people.
I pray that you bless my family and I with great blessings.
I pray for bees to have better health and not perish from CCD.
I pray for more power and authority from on high.
I pray that organic food would abound.
I pray that a great revival would sweep the earth like never before.
I pray for true love to abound.
I pray for divine health on my family and I.
I pray that you free me from all demonic sensations.
I pray for the gift of repentance.
I pray for the fire of God to hit my city and destroy the evil dwelling here.
I pray for the true Holy Spirit to come and for me to be filled past overflow.
I pray that you cleanse, wash, purge, renew, purify the body of Christ, my family and I.
I pray for a stronger spirit, body and wisdom.
I pray for the body of Christ to do better with deliverance.
I pray to become a great man of God.
I pray for Godly film industry, media and arts.
I pray for divine health on the body of Christ.
I pray for freedom from all bondage, temptation, sin, consequence of sin, and ancestral curses.
I pray that you change curse to a blessing.
I pray that this year will be the greatest year of my life and so will each year.
I pray to have a deeper love for God.
I pray to have intimacy with the Holy Spirit.
I pray for a greater and better resurrection for my family and I.
I pray that hate crimes, murder, robbery, acid attacks, rape, terrorist attacks, sexual harassment, molestation, harassment and all crimes to cease.
I pray for deeper spiritual growth.
I pray to flee youthful lusts.
I pray for a deeper relationship with you God.
I pray that you save, deliver and bless the inhabitants of my city.
I pray for a direct line of communication with you Lord Jesus and to hear your audible voice.
I pray for total deliverance from all demonic bondage, oppression and possession.
I pray for true faith.
I pray to cut the root and uproot all of my problems.
I pray you do great things in the lives of the inhabitants of my city.
I pray for pollution problems to be solved.
I pray for help with applications.
I pray for more of your Holy Spirit.
I pray for your guidance daily, hourly and moment by moment.
I pray that you pour out your spirit on all flesh.
I pray for stronger spiritual weaponry and spiritual warfare.
I pray that you train my hands to spiritual warfare.
I pray for the higher calling - a higher profile and visibility.
I pray and press into greater understanding of what that looks like.
I pray for help with assessments and courses to do my best or beyond.
I pray to be a great problem solver.
I pray to uproot, destroy, dismantle and pull down all strongholds.
I pray for this in your name Lord Jesus Christ, Amen. Praise, bless and thank you Lord Jesus Christ.
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